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[Levis POV]

"Where the fuckery is that brat?!" I yelled to myself, frustrated and worried.. knowing that she was very upset before when her friends believed Petra over her.. idiots.

I asked around saying "Oi, have you seen [l/n]?" they apologized and said no.

Thinking about it.. i haven't seen her or Connie around recently.. i wonder if they're both up to something..

[Your POV]

'ugh' I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, closing them quickly when the light blinded my eyes.

"I see you're awake, good" A male voice said, and grabbed my chin tilting it up.

"Open your eyes" He ordered

I shakily opened my eyes, they widened when i saw connie looking down at me with a large grin on his face

"w-what are you doing.. where am I?" i said worriedly, staring up at him, trying to stand up, failing miserably.. seeing that i was tied to the chair.. cuffs around my ankles, ropes around my wrists and waist.. keeping me firmly in place.

"You see.. Petra promised me that she'd give me all the money i wanted if i kidnapped you for her. so you are in the empty well" (Like where hanji took eren to see if he could transform)

"C-Connie! You're an Idiot! Did you really think that she's going to do that for you? she's a liar, a User!" i screamed at him

"Shut up (y/n)! You don't know her like i do!" he yelled back, grabbing his head

"Connie would you shut.up" The voice of Petra groan, dropping down into the well, using her 3DMG so she didn't drop to her death..Sadly.

"Let me go" you beg.

She started laughing loudly, making you and The bald boy cringe.

"You're never getting out of here.. Because...(y/n)... If i can't have Levi.. Then no one else can" She went to go and knock me out again, when Connie grabbed her wrist, surprising Her and I.

She turned and glared at him, silently telling him to let go or he'll regret ever doing that. He stood his ground giving her the same glare, showing that he won't back down.

"Wheres my money for this"

"ohh, you really thought i was going to give you money, You're an idiot! HAHA!" She laughed in his face, He let go of her wrist, bringing his arm back and flinging it forwards, back handing her face. Possibly giving her whiplash from how fast her head turned.

She held her cheek and looked at him wide eyed.

"that is the last time i ever do anything for you Petra" He growled.

"I'm getting out of here... and i'm taking (y/n) with me.. then.. telling Heichou where you are so he gives you what you deserve" He yelled, walking over to me.

"ahah i dont think so" She said, drawing out her swords, pointing them at connies back

"Watch out!" I shrieked, but it was too late, she sliced open his back ,making Connie yell out in pain and fall over.

She started laughing like an insane person, bending over holding her stomach. I couln't move, his blood was all over me...

He groaned and saw that petra was to busy laughing her ass off, so he used the rest of his energy to get out his own sword and cut the cuffs and ropes off of me.

I stood up and carfully picked up connie.. yes i am strong, thanks to the hand to hand combat training. "You're going to be alright Con"

I took off his 3DMG and put it on myself, quietly so she wouldn't turn around, i walked until i could see the opening of the well.

I quickly zipped out of there, hearing petras angry yells to get back, before You landed out on the grass with a thud, you sliced your arm on connies sword - him still in your arms- and transformed into Your titan form, spinning in mid air to face Petra, you landed ninja style, catching a bleeding Connie in your palm, hoisting him up onto your shoulder.

Soon enough, the bitch herself flew out of the hole, growling when she saw you in titan form. "To scared to fight me in your human form? I would be scared of myself if i were you aswell" she mocked, landing a few metres away from me, in fighting stance.

"n-no I just can't be b-b-othered to waist my e-energy on someone like y-you" You snapped back, well the best you could in your titan voice.

She screamed and used her wires to hook into your skin, as she was flying towards you, you grabbed those wires and held her infront of your face, narrowing your (e/c) at her.

She wasn't willing to go down this easily, she sliced your fingers clean off in one go, obviously causing you to drop her and you to roar from the pain, making her smirk

she flew at you at a faster pace then last time, using a hell of a lot of her gas.. that was ony a quater full to begin with.

when she came close to your nape, you swung around and wacked her hard, making her fall for a moment before coming back into reality and swinging towards the forest, as fast as her gas would let her, you were so pissed off that she was trying to get away, you weren't going to catch her anymore, you were going to kill Her.

Half way into the forest, her gas ran out making her fall, and you to catch up right behind her, she turned around in mid air and screamed as you lifted your foot and brought it down smashing her against a tree, seeing her blood everywhere, cutting her scream off.. you felt accomplished.

You heard a cough and a spit on your shoulder, you remembered poor Connie, you grabbed him and set him on your leg, when you sat cross legged on the grassy floor,

he started muttering how he was going to die, he has lost too much blood to save him now, blood was pouring out of his mouth.

"(y-y/n) i-m so s-sorry" He struggled

"i-it's okay, shh" you cooed, letting tears flow out of your big eyes, gently touching him with your big finger.

"t-thank y...o..-"

"c-connie?" no response.. he was dead

you placed him high up in a tree, placing flowers all around him, so a titan wouldn't eat him, and you roared so loud... all the birds flew out of the trees..

you went on a rage, running all the way back to head quarters, ripping apart any titan that came near you.

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