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Levi pulled away in need of air. smiling at you. You were smiling bigger.

"to be completely honest Levi... I've like you for over 5 years.. but i never knew how to tell you" You chuckled, blushing looking at him in the eyes.

"is that so? well.. Same goes for me.. I never thought of telling because we had such a good friendship that i didn't want to ruin it and make things awkward" He replied quietly, bringing his hand up to pat your hair like he did when you were little.

"wow! THE Levi Ackerman.. sharing his feeling.. AND having facial emotions?? what is happening" You exclaimed

"tch, way to ruin the moment (y/n)" He said going back to his poker face and sitting behind his desk once again to finish off some paper work before he tells all his soldiers that training will start soon.

"Oi, brat. When you leave make sure to get your 3DMG gear ready.. we have training"

You groaned and walked out, closing the door quietly and walked down the hall to your room, grabbing all your shit together and walking out the field where all your friends would probably be.

Once you got there, you saw your friends; Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Jean and Marco all Huddled in a small group. You started walking past all the other soldiers who looked at you with anger and disgust for some reason..what??

You reached them and said "hey guys"

they looked at you, Disappointment in there expression, before Mikasa spoke up "(y/n)... how could you do such a thing?"

now you were beyond confused "....huh?... what did i do?"

Then you heard a voice behind you.. "How could you not know?!? I walked in to Levis office to talk to him about our wedding arrangements and there you were straddling his lap, forcing him to kiss you!" she faked crying to make it look more believable

"What the hell? Petra! Stop lying! i never did any of that! I walked into Levis office.. he was doing paperwork.. and i sat down and started to talk to him about you two.. he said he broke it up with you because you don't seem like the right person for him, he told me he liked me then kissed me!" You shouted looking at all the people, including your friends who didn't seem persuaded that what you're saying is true.

"and here i was thinking that you five were my friends.. and would believe anything i say" You said softly before walking towards the stables. You heard Armin Calling out to you but you ignored him.

You soon got to the stables where Annie was cleaning her horses stable, you walked up to her and asked if she heard what Petra has been saying.

"Yeah i have. But to be truthful, I think she's full of bullshit" She said with her Natural bored expression.

"Finally! someone who believes me" you sighed and got to work, cleaning your horse since you had nothing better to do.


'tch. so..much..paper..work' I thought, scribbling words onto the paper i was currently working on.

'you know what.. maybe a cup of tea will make me calmer'

I got up and headed out the door, towards the.. hall to make a cup of hot tea.

I got there and people started looking at me with sorrow.

"Tch, what are you looking at brats?"

Hanji spoke up, grabbing my shoulder "I heard about what (y/n) did.. Ruining your engagement and all"

"You're making less sense then usual.. please explain to me what you mean" I rolled my eyes.

"Petra told the all the soldiers that she walked in on your childhood friend forcing you to kiss her.. ruining your engagement" She exaplined

"And you believed Petra. out of everyone.. you believed that lying bitch?"

Hanji looked shocked before looking guilty

"s-so when (y/n) explained what really happened.. she was telling the truth?"

"yes you idiot! Where is she now?"

"Who? (y/n) o-"

"(y/n).." i snapped

Hanji looked at the soldiers all around her, they were all shrugging, not knowing her whereabouts.

I tched and walked out looking for her.

[YOUR POV].. again

I just finished cleaning up my stable, when i heard something get knocked over outside.

"Hello?.." I yelled, slowly and wearily walking outside, looking to the left, then to the right.. i turned back around when i felt something sharp stick into the side of my neck, and push some kind of liquid in, a hand muffled my mouth.

A few moments later, my vision went blurry... then.. i saw nothing at all.

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