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The door slammed open and in came a angry short man "What in the name of windex is going on here?!"

Your POV//

I stared at the door which was now hanging off its hinges, then moved my eyes to look at the man, i have known to be called Levi.

"Now, ill ask again.. what's going on here?" He demanded looking at the other lady in my room in a nurse outfit.

"w-well captain.. She doesn't seem to remember what happened to her yesterday.. only the part when you were calling out to her sir.. she started freaking out because i told her the reason she was in here was because she was being held inside the female titans mouth" She explained to heichou as i was going through everything in my head..

"are you an idiot.. you don't tell a patient something bad as soon as they wake up.. anyway, how is she? is she fine to leave?"

"yeah she should be good to go.. just watch out for her. I'm not very sure with this kind of thing since the only patients we usually get in here are ones with broken bones and such.. Have a good day Levi" She said and walked out of the room leaving me and him together to get ready to leave.

I was thinking of something to say, something along the lines of "How have you been" but nevermind.. seems like its not a good idea at the moment since im in here and he has an expedition this afternoon- wait! oh crap i forgot about the expedition!

"Lev-" i was cut off by a pair of warm lips meeting mine, in a long passionate kiss. This didn't feel like the "I miss you" kiss.. this one was more.. it was full of love and happiness.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him back. We pulled back and he embraced me in a long hug. "im so glad you're okay [y/n]"

"i'm glad im here too.. all though i dont remember what happened. I'm just happy to be in this moment with you" i stated, happy tears spilling out. Levi pulled back and looking at me, he wasn't in his usual 'I dont give a Fuck' face, his eyes were softer and caring, his mouth was tilted in a little smile, and he wasn't frowning.

"[y/n]... I-"

"[Y/N]!!!! Levi!!!" A loud voice shouted with happiness making Mine and Levis' moment ruined. "I'm so glad you guys are here! Err.. commander Erwin says to get ready, The expedition is starting soon"

And with that she took off again.

Levis' POV//

That damned brat, fucking shitty glasses.. four eyes. tch.

I got up and walked towards the door

"Levi... what were you going to say?" I looked back and saw that [y/n] was standing u pand walking towards me, with her new uniform in hand.

"nothing, don't worry" I replied and told her to get ready since we're going soon.

I finished putting on my uniform and getting ready. I of course had a shower first, to make sure i didn't smell like anything disgusting. After all that, i walked out of my office, looking back inside incase this is the last time i ever see it. I walked down to the horse stables and got my black horse ready. I tch'ed when i saw a spec of dirt on his saddle.. who the hell cleaned this for me..

Everyone was just about ready, Walking their horses up to the front gate. One thing i found weird was that Erwin and [y/n] were off talking to the side. I wonder what its about.. I'll ask her later. When She and Erwin hopped back into place, Erwin started giving a speech that i wasn't listening to... all i caught was something along the lines of "Be brave, do your best, this is for humanity!" and then cheers all around sounded as the front gate started rolling up.

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