Chapter One : Welcome to South Port / The Party

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**Alex's P.O.V**

"Daaad , the plane will be leaving in 3 hours and you still have your books in your office!" I yelled from downstairs.

"Okay ! And you don't have to yell so loud I can hear you perfectly fine if you don't. Get your camera off of my laptop too." He said irritated.

My dad was running behind big time. All of our stuff was packed in our house in North Carolina except all his books. They are still in his office... Like seriously?! Get it together dad.


"Hello , I'm Stephanie your flight attendant for today's flight. Please secure your seatbelt and get ready for lift off."

Once I heard those words , I knew we weren't coming back.

The fresh smell of August leaves that fell from the oak tree in my backyard made me feel at home just a little . Cuddled in my comfy LBC sweater with my hot chocalate while blasting Youth by Daughter made time fly by.

"Alex , did you finish unpacking ?"

Dang it.

"Umm , I thought the movers did that ?"

"They did did the furniture and boxes , you do the clothes and stuff"

"I'll do it later." I pleaded

"Alex , you better" he said as he dissapeared into the house.

"I hope this ends of benefiting the both of us in the end" I told myself as I went back into the house.

**At The Welcome Back Party**

"ALEXANDRIA!"Some lady in a weird poka dot dress yelled.

"Heyy?"I questioned

"I'm Kimberly , your aunt. I havent seen you since you were two. Gosh , your so beautiful!!"She exclaimed.

"Thank you Kimberly." I smiled.

We were at my Uncle George's house near the lake for a welcome back party. I knew absolutely nobody except for my dad and uncle which were drinking like crazy. I kept questioning how am I gonna get home ? Yeah im 17 with my own car but I came with my dad and he doesnt like me driving his car.

"Alex , I want you to meet the McKinley's"

"Daaad , I dont wan-"

"Hello there Alex" Some guy that looked like a golfer said. " Im Victor. This is my wife Christina and my two sons Isaac and Carter."

Putting a fake smile , I shook everyone's hand.

"Nice to meet all of you. Um Dad i'm gonna go down to the lake and take some pictures." I said walking off.

"Be careful hun!"

I mimicked his voice while I took the stairs down to the lake. It was quiet and peaceful. I liked it like that. Where I can take in the images around me and capture them. I just might like it here. This lake isn't to far from the house. I can come here anytime I want. No worries , no memories , no disturbances , nothing.

"It's beautiful huh" a voice behind me spoke out.

I turned around. " Uh, yeah ".

"You a photographer?"

"I'm sorry but who are you? I can't see anything behind me except for the house"

"Oh aha im sorry. It's me Isaac."

"Heeey Isaac .."

"I saw you take some great pictures"

"Thanks , it's a nice view."

"Yeah it is. My dad has been talking nonstop about you guys arriving but I didn't know you were a girl"

"Hold on. What?"

"Oh! No. No. I didnt mean it like that. When my dad was talking he was like my pal Andrew was coming down to stay and he is bringing Alex. So I assumed tha-"

"Well you assumed wrong. Alex can be used both ways like Patrick/Patricia and Samantha/Samuel"

"I'm sorry if I offended you"

"It's fine."

"Well um.." he trailed off while scratching the back off his head " We will be going to the same high school so don't be afraid to say hi"

"K." I said and turned around to take more pictures.

To be honest , I'm a straight forward mind of person. Some take it harshly, but some appreciate it. He was talking to slow for me to even care enough for the end of it. But at least I will know someone at SouthPort High.

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