Chapter Twenty-Three: First Baby Checkup

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I woke up with Alex snuggled up under me. Her little head fitted perfectly by my side, I didn't want to wake her up so I gently move her over and head to take a shower. I haven't really thought about how I'm going to be a father. I never really thought I'd be a dad but I guess I will. And I'm scared. I'm scared of my father and what he will say. I'm scared for Alex and how she has a human growing in her skinny little stomach. The shower got hotter as I lost my train of thought.

"HOT." I squeal like a little girl and laugh.

I hurry to wash up then dry. When I'm all done, I call the closest doctor to schedule an appointment.

"Hi, I'm Isaac McKinley and I'm trying to schedule an appointment for my girlfriend who is pregnant."

"Name of patient please." The receptionist says.

"Um Alexandra Beacon."

"Okay, we have an opening for 1:45 today."

"That's great. Thank you."

"No problem sir, just know if you don't show to appointment, you will lose your spot so I prefer I be here 10 mins earlier or you will be fined."

"Alright." I hang up and go check up on Alex.

She is still wrapped up in the blankets even when her phone goes off.

It's my mom.


"Isaac? Honey is that you?"

"Yeah, Alex is still sleeping. What's up?"

"Nothing, just checking up on her."

"Um okaaay, that's nice of you. I'll tell her to call you when she wakes up."

"Thanks sweety. I love you and be good."

"Love you too."

She hangs up and I put her phone back on dresser.

I grab the laptop and check twitter and emails until Alex wakes up.

"Baaaaaabeeeee." She yawns.


"What time is it?"


"Geez, did you eat yet?"

"No, I'm waiting for you to wake up. Doctors appointment today."

"Horrraaay." She rolls over and takes the covers to the bathroom." I'll be out in a few."

I laugh and continue what I was doing.

Once Alex gets out and she is dressed, we head out for breakfast. She's driving. Oh boy. Alex kind of have road rage and I feel bad for anyone in her path.

She drives up to Grinders cafe and we get out. She grabs my hand as we head for the door.

"I wonder if they have hash browns." She says as we sit down.

I just stare and her and laugh.

"What's so funny?" She frowns.

"I love how we act like we didn't just have crazy sex last night."

She groans and covers her face.

"You kill my appetite ya know. Gosh your so gross haha." She smiles.

"Hey, I'm just saying. It's a guy thing."

"Oh I know."

When our food comes, we just talk about stuff and our families.

"Alright, let's go babe."

She laughs and starts walking to the door. I pay the bill when I see Astrid eying me from the bar. I just keep walking. God, she's weird.



When they called me in for a cat scan, I was really nervous. What if something goes wrong? No, no don't jinx anything.

"Hello, Ms. Beacon. Are you ready for your ultrasound?" This blonde chick smiles and asks. "I'm Doctor Murray."

"Hi, I'm Alex and this is my boyfriend and father Isaac."

Once I realize what I said, I correct myself and turn red from embarrassment.

Isaac shakes the doctor's hand then she puts the gel on my stomach.

"Well here's the head, and the umbilical cord."

"Do you the gender?" Isaac holds my hand and asked.

"Yeah, um just a moment." She searches around and tells us it's a boy. " Your also two months and three weeks pregnant."

The doctor grabs some papers and hands them to Isaac.

"These are some eating options and when you should do check ins."

She wipes off the gel and prints out the ultrasounds and hands them to us.

"And that's it. Thank you guys for coming and will see you next time."

She walks us to the door and hands us her card.


After the appointment, we head to Sprouts to do some grocery shopping.

"Oooo, some granola and almonds sound good." Alex heads over to the grains area and fill two bags of almonds and granola while I decide what fish to get.

"If you were wondering which to choose, go with either trout or tilapia. Best we have." This dark haired guy in an apron offers. I assume he works here.

"Thanks, I'm gonna go with Tilapia."

He wraps up my fish and bags it.

"I'm Joey. You seem like a pretty cool guy." He shakes my hand.

"Yeah, I guess I got that impression. I'm Isaac. You live around here?"

"I'm more closer to Pepperdine University."

"That's where I attend. You go there?"

"Nah, my pops is a professor there."

"Oh awesome. Malibu is pretty nice."

"Your not from here?"

"Nah, my parents brought me from the UK when I was 6 to South Port, South Carolina. Then I got accepted to Pepperdine."

"Sweet. Hey we should hang out sometime."

"Yeah that would be cool."

"Here's my number. I gotta get back to work." He gives me his number as he leaves.

I go search for Alex and see her picking out some pomegranate.

"Made a new friend name Joey. Pretty cool, we plan to hang out sometime."

"That's great. I'm getting tired of you babe." She laughs.

"Haha funny. Are you ready to go?"

"Mhm, I'll see you at the check out line. I gotta get some milk."

I watch her walk away as she rubs her stomach.

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