Chapter 1

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Chapter one

I don't know where I am and I don't know where I am going. All I know is I'm not going back. Pushing myself forward putting as much distance as possible between me and the warehouse. Letting the wolf inside of me carry me forward, having faith in her is all I have left.

Focusing on what is in front of me I miss the wolves fallowing me. I'm fast, faster than any other wolf I've ever raced before. I was always the fastest in my pack.

Before I knew what was happening I was hit from the side hard. Getting hit by a semi would have hurt less. I felt all the ribs on my right side crack. He hit me so hard that I flew 15 feet from the sight of impact. The air was knocked out of me when I hit the ground. My wolf was pissed and she was cursing up a storm in my head, which was spinning from impact. A whimper escaped my lips.

It started getting dark and I was seeing doubles, I think otherwise the wolves that attacked me all have twins. The wolf that hit me shifted and started walking towards me but before he reached me I slipped into darkness.

Waking up on cement floor in my human form with my wolf pacing like a caged animal and my head pounding, the events from earlier came flooding back. I tried to sit up but ended up wriggling on the floor in an insane amount of pain.

"Look who decided to wake up." A male voice came from somewhere behind me. I wasted no time sitting up, turning around, and sliding back till I hit a wall, trying to put as much distance between me and who ever spoke. After hitting the wall my hands went up to hold my side, which was being stabbed with a sharp pain. Panting from the pain I try and catch my breath while taking in where I am.

I'm in a cell. A man is sitting across from me on the other side of the door. The man stood up and started walking towards the cell my wolf let out a snarl. He smirked and continued to throw something between the bars of the door. I caught it but dropped it gasping in pain.

After getting the pain and my breathing under control I looked back at the man. "It's a shirt." He said. That's when I noticed that I am nude. Before putting the shirt on I look at my side. I don't think a bruise could get any blacker, confirming that all or most of my right ribs are broken.

Quickly picking up the shirt and slipping it on almost caused me to pass out again. The whole time the man who couldn't be older than 25 watched me. After the dizziness and the cold sweat that comes with passing out passed and after I got my breathing under control I asked "Where am I?"

"I can't tell you that" he said.

"Can you at least tell me what territory I am in?"

"You don't even know what territory you trespassed on?" he asked. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Can you answer the question or not?" I asked kind of annoyed.

"You have to answer one of mine then."

"Ask the question and if I don't answer then don't answer mine." I said. There was no way I was telling him my past, where I am from, or why I was running.

He seemed to think about it for a minute then he asked "What pack are you from?"

"Wrong question." I stated while looking away.

He thought about it for a minute before asking "Why?"

"Because!" I snapped, "Sorry, I'll answer any question just nothing personal."

"Why not?" he cocked an eyebrow.

"No sense in living through the past when it's in the past for a reason." I answered. "Now I answered a question now answer mine."

"Broken arrow. Are you a rogue?"

"I guess you could say that." I didn't know how to answer that one. I was never going back to my old pack and I didn't have a new one to join. "What's your name?"

"Nick Simonick, yours?"

I didn't know how to answer that one. Of course I have a name but do I want to give it to him is the question. I don't want Lukas to find me because he will kill me and slowly. At least here when they put me to death for be a rogue I'll die quickly. "If I give you my name my past will catch up to me and I'd rather die a nameless rouge then for him to find me." I answered truthfully.

"Who is him?" he asked. But to my relief someone walked in at that moment. I pressed myself closer to the wall and tried to make myself as small as possible. That someone turned out to be multiple people.

"Nick has the little rogue given you any trouble?" the biggest of the new comers asked. Two of the three men looked bored and where looking around the room.

"Besides avoid questions not at all." He answered truthfully. After Nick answered him he turned his attention. I tried really hard to develop the super power of invisibility but failed. He piercing gray eyes examined me.

"You are going to answer all of my questions rouge or you and I are going to have a serious problem." I nod my head in response. He obviously has a high title in the pack by the way he spoke and by the way he carries himself. "And if you wouldn't have passed out the other day I would have killed you then." I gulped.

"Go easy on her Jordan." Nick said.

The werewolf with the high title now known as Jordan just ignored Nick. "Who are you?"

Damn I hate that question. Coming up with a fake name isn't easy and I must have been trying for too long because he spoke before I could "Don't give me a fake name because I will find out and then you will learn just how serious of a problem we would have."

"Then I won't give you a name at all then and you can kill me now because death would be a whole lot nicer than telling you anything about myself." My wolf growled. For some reason she was just going insane and she didn't want to die just yet.

Jordan just let out a nasty growl and said "I will give you on e chance to rethink your answer before our serious problem becomes reality." Just then the door that Jordan and the other two werewolves entered through opened again and a scent that if I was standing would have brought me to my knees. My wolf was howling and making it impossible to focus on the problem at hand.

A boy that couldn't be older than 21 walk in he was the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my whole life. That's when I realized he was my mate, I almost shit my pants at that one because I thought I would never meet my mate. I tried to make myself even smaller hoping he wouldn't notice me because I don't want a mate I just want this life to be over. When he spoke it was the most beautiful voice I have ever heard "Jordan how much longer I'm hungry." He stopped and turned to look at me and like a magnet hit the metal bars of the cage and growled "Mate" 

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