Chapter 15

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I’m so exhausted right now I had a horrible night the other night and I thought I lost my pride and joy. She is the only reason I am here to write this story. She is my rock, my drive, my everything. She has kept me from taking my life time and time again. Sometimes she IS the only reason I don’t take my life. She isn’t my real baby but she is close enough. I’m not exactly sure on what happened but we are sure as hell calling the vet as soon as I get the chance. Yes everyone my dog is my everything. Don’t judge!!!!

            By the time that Kelly got to us everything was starting to get fuzzy, black spots started to invade my vision. I was still on the floor. I wouldn’t let Jake touch me and he wouldn’t let anyone else touch me. The pain is unbearable I don’t even know how I am conscience right now.

            When she saw me she quickly jumped into action and ordered Jake to put me on the bed. But I wasn’t about to let him touch me so I snarled at him and it caught Kelly’s attention “What am I missing here?” she asked.

            “She and Jake are fight, and I’m pretty sure Jake’s wolf took it too far.” Nick quipped.

            “Jake did this too her!?!” Kelly screeched. She is obviously appalled of the idea of Jake hurting me. He didn’t though I fell twice hard on my ribs.

            Jake looked at the floor and scratched the back of his neck. “No I tripped.” I choked on blood and then added “twice- Choked up more blood- I don’t want him here.”

            “Who honey?” she asked as she grabbed some scissor out of her bag.

            “Jake.” I growled and was cut off by more blood.

            She looked at Jake then at me then back at Jake “I’m sorry Jake.  I can’t let you stay if she doesn’t want you here.”

            “You can’t do that I’m her mate!” Jake shouted and I flinched back and everyone noticed.

            “Jared please.” Kelly motioned for him to take Jake out. “Don’t let him go too far she will need a blood transfusion and since they are mates he is the perfect match. I’m pretty sure she re broke her ribs and punctured a lung.” She added.

            When Jared made the move to grab Jake, Jake growled. It got him no where though because Jared grabbed Jake by his upper arm and started to try to dragging him out. Jake was snarling and trying to throw punches but Nick and Jordan grabbed him. When he was fully restrained he turned to me and pleaded with me “Please Lucy I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please don’t make me leave please I’ll do anything just don’t make me leave! I promise I won’t even come near you, just let me stay baby.” they all looked at me and I just looked away. I didn’t have the strength in me any more to keep my eyes open as they dragged away Jake I slipped into darkness.

            When I woke up I was a lone in Jake’s room. I was on the bed now and my chest was wrapped tightly. The house was so quiet that I looked at the clock and it was one in the morning. My wolf was trying to wake up. ‘Hey you okay’ I asked her.

            ‘Uhhhh huh.’ Was all I got in response.

            Looking at the night stand I noticed Jake’s keys for his truck. I sat up quickly which was the worst idea ever. Wait didn’t I do this before? Whatever. I grabbed the truck keys and hopped out of bed. I was hissing in pain as I tried to regain composure. Once I had it I walked over to the dresser and searched for a fresh non-bloodied shirt and shorts. I wasn’t wearing a shirt but Kelly had gauze wrapped over my entire chest. After throwing on a fresh shirt I pulled off my shorts and replaced them with fresh ones. I didn’t think getting dressed could hurt so badly.

            Once I was dressed and the pain subsided I went to the door. Before opening the door I listened for what lies behind the door. When I was confident that everything was all clear I cracked the door open and looked around. I was shocked to find a drunken passed out Jake lying in front of the door. I know he is drunk because the three empty bottles of whiskey spread out around him. Quietly and quickly as possible I closed the door.

            I guess I’m going to need a different escape route. Looking around the room I remembered the window. I couldn’t get to it fast enough. When I tried to throw it open my ribs protested. Taking a deep breath and ignoring the pain I pried open the window. Looking out the window I checked to make sure nobody was watching as I launched myself out the window.

            I landed hard when I hit the ground I tried to muffle my scream of pain. But it was too late someone heard me because one of the upstairs windows lit up. I watched it for a minute hoping whoever it was would just go back to sleep. But I had no such luck; it went way worse than I could even think possible. Jared blocked some of the light and looked out the window. When he saw me he let out the fiercest snarl I’ve ever heard.

            Keys still in hand I stood and took off running towards Jake’s truck. Once I got there I ripped open the driver side door and hopped in. My heart was racing and it had a sharp pain shooting through me chest. I locked the doors and fumbled with the keys trying to get the right one in the ignition. I made the mistake of looking up to see Jared, Jordan, Nick and Jake all barreling towards me. Jake was screaming my name and begging me to stop what I was doing. See them added a little more urgency to my action. When I finally found the right key and had it in the ignition I quickly started the black Chevy.

            It roared to life just as Jake and the gang reached the truck. I pulled it out of park and slammed on the gas. Racing down the long drive way through the forest my wolf started to perk up a little bit. Me too, I love the feeling of the power behind a vehicle. ‘I’ll have us out of here in no time’ I told her and she relaxed a little.

            ‘Lucy! What are you doing?’ Jake called through our mind link. I blocked him out before he could figure it out. Jake was pushing hard with the mind link and I was doing everything possible to keep him out.

            Not long after Jake called out to me he was behind me in a silver Porsche. He sat in the passenger seat as Jared drove. When I finally hit the road I didn’t slow down to make the turn. Honestly I don’t care if I live or die trying to escape the urge to travel and to put distance between me and my mate is unbearable.

            Jared took advantage of the wider road and went to the lane next me. I could feel the territory border with my wolf instincts and I couldn’t wait to cross it.

            When I was about a fourth a mile away Jared picked up speed and swerved the car so it blocked my exit. I snarled loudly and I knew Jake heard it because pain crossed his face. Jared gave me a challenging look and in return I revved the engine. When I let go of the break for a second to let the truck inch forward I made sure it was in a way that said ‘get out of my way or I will take you down’. Jared just revved his engine in reply.

            ‘Tell Jared I don’t want to hurt that beautiful car of his but I will if I have to.’ I quickly told Jake before blocking him out again. But that’s when I realized I have four wheel drive and they don’t. Ha! I’m so glad I know my way around cars.

             I backed the truck up about fifty feet before putting it in four wheel drive. I floored it and hit the gravel hard as I went into the ditch and into an open field. Once there I looked back at Jake and Jared, their faces were priceless. I pushed forward though and drove through the field to the territory end. They fallowed on the road as I made a slow and pumpy exit from the territory. The trip was taking its toll on my ribs and once I made it to the territory edge I quickly crossed it.

            Jake, oh man, that poor boy howled in agony.

            Once safely across the border I drove the truck back onto black top and took it out of four wheel drive and punched it. They couldn’t fallow me without the permission of the alpha of the territory I just entered and it would take them hours to get it. By then I hope to be in the next territory and on my way to the next. 

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