Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to Saleen Ratelle. Saleen even though we weren’t close and I was mean to you just like everyone else I will never forgive myself for those years I was mean to you. I’m glad I changed in 9th grade, realizing you were the same as me. I’m so sorry it had to end this way but I promise I will never bully anyone again unless they start it or they are bullying someone else, I can’t help it. We were both low in the pecking order all through grade school and even through high school. I’m sorry we won’t graduate together. Band will never be the same without you. The clarinet section will never be the same. The three amigos are no more. Rest In Peace Saleen Ratelle <3

So I hope you figured it out but a girl I go to school with died and I just found out. The wake in on Thursday and the funeral is on Friday. I don’t know how much writing I will get done I am still in shock. It looks like she killed herself. I’m feeling really guilty and lost for words.

On with the show.

“Lucy I hope whatever trouble you are in isn’t going to get Jake in any trouble.” Jared said giving me a pointed look. I stared at him knowing that my trouble would not only find him but kill him.

“That’s why I want to leave. Alone.” I said the last word looking Jake right in the eye. I sat up and got off the bed.

“Lucy you are my prisoner until you and Jake mate. And I mean UNTIL then you will not be leaving this house.” I tried to muffle the growl that my wolf so badly wanted to get out there. I looked at Jake silently pleading with him to understand why I have to leave with my eyes. “Lucy as your soon to be alpha I want you to think really hard about what you think you would gain out of leaving.” He sighed. “Lucy my pack is prepared to fight for you. They love Jake, even though he is annoying as fuck with all his annoying pranks, they would do anything for him and his mate.”

Just then there was a knock at the door. “That must be Kelly I’ll go let her in.” Jordan said before retreating down the hall.

“After Kelly leaves Jake feed her and keep her busy we have an alpha and some of his guard coming to stay with us. I don’t want her to cause any problems while they are here.” Jared told Jake sternly before leaving.

Before Jake had a chance to say anything Doctor Kelly came in. “How are you this morning?” she asked me.

“Frustrated, angry, concerned, scared, and want to leave. That about sums it up.” I said looking away. Jake came to stand by me, I just glared at him.

“How are you physically?” she asked frowning at my answer.

“My wrist itches and my ribs feel fine.” I answer while taking a step away from Jake. He sighed but growled when I asked “When can I shift?” only asking because as soon as I can shift I am out of this shit hole.

“I think it should be fine as soon as I take the stitches out. Why?” she asked cocking her head to the right.

“I don’t feel safe in my humane form I almost feel vulnerable in my human form I like letting my wolf take control.” I was only rapt in my human form never in my wolf form and being in my wolf form made me feel safe. And I knew if I was in my wolf form they would never be able to catch me.

“We aren’t allowed in the house in our wolf form Lucy.” Jake said giving me a pointed look.

“I wasn’t planning on being in the house.” I said coolly. His head snapped in my direction and growled. “You cannot deny me the right to my wolf.” I snapped. Looking him in the eyes was the biggest mistake ever because my heart melted at the sight at his big sad green eyes. “You can run me to the edge of the territory.” I suggested. I found myself wanting him to say he would.  Ugh stupid mate bond.

“Only if I can go with you.” he said pleadingly.

I sighed. “Can we talk about it later?” I said giving up for the moment. “Doc can we get this stitches out? Before I tear my arm off.” I said looking at her.

“Yeah sit on the bed while I get my stuff out. Jake I want to ask her a few question, so scram” Doc gave him a pointed look.

“But she’s my m....” she cut him off before he could finish.

“Lucy I’m going to be asking you personal question do you care if your mate stays?” she asked me doubtfully. I shook my head no in response. Jake looked from Kelly to me. When he realized neither of us was going to give he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. Kelly clucked her tongue. For the first time I really looked at Kelly. She had fiery red hair, with ice blue eyes. Her face was covered in soft brown freckles.       

I went to sit on the bed as she started taking out her equipment. She snapped on her blue surgical gloves before picking up her scissors. I held out my wrist and she cut off the wrap that she put on after the stitches. “Lucy why are their scars on you that only silver would leave?” she ask. I looked up at her through my eye lashes.  

“It’s not important….”

She cut me off “It’s in the past, right?”

I only nodded.

“But if it is in the past then why are you so scared?”

“Because my past is threatening to become my future” I said solemnly.

“Jake would never let that happen.” She said in an ‘I’m trying to be convincing voice’. 

“Jake doesn’t have a choice. When they find me they will punish me or even kill me. And if Jake gets in their way they will kill him without questioning it.” I said unemotionally.

“Lucy you are underestimating my pack and alpha. Jared loves Jake more than anything else; he would kill anyone who threatened him. Just give us a chance to protect you. If we fail go, if we don’t then you have a new loving pack.” She spoke those words with so much truth that I found myself really wanting to stay with Jake.

“Jake wouldn’t be able to handle my past. He will reject me when he find out. I am only trying to protect myself from that pain.” I looked away.

“Lucy, Jake has been looking for you for a very long time. Don’t underestimate his love and devotion to you.” she said as she clipped the last stitch and pulled it out.

“Fine I’ll stay. But any sign of trouble and I am out of here. No ifs ands or buts about it.” Said meaning every word I said.

She smiled. I only shook my head.

Sorry about the short chapter but I had a long day and I just want to curl up in bed with my own book and read. Escape my own difficult life. Thank you for reading this far vote comment do whatever you want.

Rest In Peace Saleen Ratelle <3

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