Chapter 17

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Guilt is a powerful thing. It is what drives my depression. It is the reason why my wrist looks the way it does.

            I sat there for a minute ignoring Jake as he begged me to come home and to work things out. Before he had the chance to convince me to do just that I told him ‘I’m sorry Jake but I need space and time. I’ll check in in a couple of days. I love you Jake’ and then I put my walls back up. Blocking out all of his pleas and his sorrow, but I couldn’t block out my own pain and sorrow.

            I wrapped my arms around myself and sat there and cried for what felt like forever. With every sob that shook my body my ribs ached. With every sob that shook my body my heart ached for Jake even more. It felt like forever until I fell asleep.

            Waking up in a rain of glass wasn’t the best wake up I have ever had. Screeching in fright I jumped away from the driver side door. Whoever smashed the window reached in and popped the lock and opened the door. The dome light came on and in my startled awake condition I couldn’t see anything, the light was too damn bright.

            ‘JAKE!!!!!!’ I screamed out for him. Window breaker leaned across the driver’s side seat and made a grab for my foot but I kicked him away.

            ‘Lucy, what’s wrong?’ Jake asked groggily.

            ‘Help me!’ was all I got out before window breaker grabbed me by my ankle and dragged me out of the car kicking and screaming. When I hit the ground I screamed bloody murder in pain as ribs absorbed the shock of the hit. Jake was calling for me but the pain was muffling his calls. Window breaker gave the time that was need for my pain to subside.

            Once my screams of agony turned into pants of agony window breaker squatted down in front of me and got in my face. “Listen and listen close I am here to drag your ass back to broken arrow territory what they want with you I don’t care what they are going to do to you I don’t care what ever you did or didn’t do I don’t care. I am going to collect the reward that alpha Jared is giving for your safe return. You give me any trouble I will sedate you. Am I clear?”

            Instead of answering him I tried to crawl away calling for Jake again ‘Jake help me!’

            “Oh no you don’t!” window breaking bounty hunter shouted and grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. “Now I am going to help you back in this truck and we are going to have a peaceful trip back to broken arrow, understood?”

            ‘Lucy what is happening?’ Jake asked with so much authority that is snapped me out of my panicked state.

            ‘Some guy says he is bringing me back! I thought you talked to Jared!’ wow things just keep not working out. (HEY GUYS THIS SOUNDS LIKE MY REAL LIFE!!!)

            ‘He wouldn’t listen to me. Just do what he says please Lucy it will make things so much easier for you.’ He sounded guilty as hell.

            Window breaker reached out for me and I shrieked “Don’t touch me!” I shrunk away.

            “Don’t fight me!” he yelled at the same time Jake said something and he was going to speak again when I put my hand up signaling for him to shut the hell up. Life is just so over whelming.

            ‘What did you say Jake?’ I asked him.

            ‘What is this guy’s name?’ he asked.

            ‘I don’t know he isn’t wearing a name tag.’ I snapped sarcastically.

            ‘Well ask him.’

            ‘I don’t wanna talk to this asshole.’ I whined.

            ‘Lucy you have to if you want me to help you.’ he said sternly. Window breaker was watching me intently; he knew I was talking to someone.

            “What’s your name?” I asked window breaker.

            “Why who wants to know?” he tilted his head to the side.

            “My mate.” I growled. My wolf wanted to shift and run.


            ‘Jake he said Brian Siscoff.’

            ‘Go with him, he won’t hurt you he is a good friend of Nick’s’ (HAHAHA IN REAL LIFE NICK HATE’S BRIAN AND BRIAN HATES NICK!)  Jake said solemnly. I realized that Jake purposely didn’t ask Jared to take the bounty off the market.

            ‘If you do this Jake I swear to god I will leave again, and I won’t ever come back!’ I screamed at him. He just and blocked me out. I can’t believe he just blocked me out, that asshole.

            Window breaker aka Brian smirked when he noticed my frustration.

            I started to push myself off the ground but I didn’t make it far before my ribs protested and I slipped back down. Holding my ribs I laid on the ground panting. Brian just stayed where he was and watched me with a smug look on his face.

            When I had the pain under control I looked up at this Brian guy with questioning eyes he is so weird.

            “Are you ready yet?” he asked tilting his head to the side again. It made me want to smack him and I did. He didn’t even flinch but a low growl grumbled out of his chest. “Don’t do that.” He growled out. I did it again and this time I smirked and continued slapping him until I was laughing hysterically. His eyes were glowing with anger.

            “What big bad wolf can’t handle little ole me?” I barked out between fits of giggles. I must have cracked.

            “Get in the truck.” He growled.

            “I didn’t run just to be dragged back!” I screamed as I hopped off the ground ignoring the shearing pain in my chest. I took off running towards the woods. I ran like Godzilla was hot my heels and he was. Shifting is was the only way I was getting out of this and it is the one thing that I can’t do ugh. He didn’t say anything as he ran behind me, not gaining but not falling behind either.  

            The pain in my chest finally caught up with me and I started to slow down. So did Godzilla keeping the same distance between me and him. When I found a tree to my liking I started to climb up the tree. I didn’t make it far when two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me off the tree. I went limp in his arms and started sobbing. Sobbing for my lost freedom and that my poor ribs felt like they exploded.

            “I-I-I c-ca-can walk.” I choked out between sobs and sniffles.

            He just grunted and sat me down on the ground. When he went to pull his belt off I cracked. “No please no I promise I won’t run!” I put my hands up and to scoot away. He tilted his head to the side his eyes questioned my actions. He pulled the belt the rest of the way off and I started screaming bloody murder. “Please not again! Please I’m sorry! Please don’t touch me!” Looping the belt back threw the buckle making a loop then he grabbed my hands in one of his and stuck them threw the loop and pulled it tight. Then he looped the excess belt around my wrists tightly. Once he was finished he pulled me to my feet but I was too shut down to stay on my feet and I started to crumble to the ground. Brian stopped me from falling and picked me up bridal style and started back to the road.

 Sorry for the wait vote comment fallow do whatever the hell you want

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