Chapter 18

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It’s so hard to hold my 7 pound old lady dog and type at the same time. She is so tired her head keeps lolling to the side. She’s so cute. Asshole 10 pound dog wants to kick her out of her spot ugh! He never lets the old lady sleep! I love my dogs! Yes I am the creepy dog lady. I’d hope so though because I am going to go to school to be a vet! Can’t wait to start my life

Are white pickup trucks attracted to my car or something because I’ve almost been hit twice in the last week by a white pickup! Ugh

Mmmm it’s been awhile since a guy hit on me, but going to small town fair was the best idea ever! I feel so pretty!!!!!!

Any way on with the show!!!!!

            Once we got back to the truck he opened the passenger door and slid me on the seat and out of his arms. He closed the door gently and jogged around the truck. Before getting in the truck he tossed a back pack and a rifle case into the back seat and also brushed the glass off the seat.

            After starting the truck and putting it in drive he whipped a u-turn. I can’t believe nobody has driven past us yet. Does nobody else drive at night? I slumped against the door giving up on my escape. Godzilla the window breaker aka Brian looked over at me curiously “Are you okay?” he asked.

            “Far from it.” I mumbled staring blankly out the wind shield.

            “What happened back there?” he questioned looking back at the road.

            “I thought you said you don’t care” I snapped.

            “I don’t unless….” He swallowed as his voice trailed off and he grimaced. 

            “Yeah I was raped repeatedly.” I said bluntly.

            When Brian slammed on the breaks I flew out of my seat and into the dash board. Groaning I tried to sit up but slumped back down the pain in my ribs was unbearable again. “Oh shit Lucy I’m sorry!” he pulled me back onto the seat the only reason I let him was because the pain is way too intense to care. “Shit Lucy where does it hurt?” He muttered the next part “They said something about an injury that could be life threatening.”

            “My ribs you dumb ass!” I screeched trying to hold my ribs but couldn’t because my hands are still bound. “Holy fuck!” I gasped

            “Shit Lucy I have some morphine do you want some?” he asked.

            “Are you stupid or something?” I glared at him while I panted. He gave me a puzzled look “Of course I want the fucking morphine!” I want to punch him in the face.

            Before I could say anything else reached in the back and grabbed the back pack and started digging around in it. After a few seconds of him digging he pulled out a vile of clear liquid and a syringe.  He stuck the syringe into the vile and turned it upside down and filled the syringe with the clear liquid. After flicking the syringe and pushing the air out of it he grabbed my arm.

            “Are you sure it’s going to make you tired?” he asked.

            “Just give it to me you pansy.” My wolf growled. He didn’t hesitate after that as he stuck me in the arm and empty the morphine into me. Soon as the morphine hit my system I relaxed and sighed in content.

            “I’m sorry about that, but umm I can’t and won’t take you back if they are…. Um –gulp- you know –pause- hurting you.” the look on his face was priceless it was between someone running over his puppy and getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

            I giggled obviously feeling the effects of the morphine. “Jake would never rape me –giggle- he wouldn’t have to –wink and giggled harder- I ran because he over reacted and I felt trapped” by the time I was done talking my giggling was out of control. Godzilla was just looking at me with an amused look on his face.

            “I should have given you the morphine in the beginning.” He smirked.

            “Yeah I feeeeeeeeeel greaaaaat!” I felt like tony the tiger. He laughed. Yawning I slumped against the door again and looked out the window, we were moving again. Huh I didn’t even notice. “So how much is my bounty for?” I asked.

            “Not much about twenty grand I picked up your bounty as a side job I was about to go talk to Jared about the other two bounties he has out.” Godzilla said twenty grand like it was nothing. I was shocked that Jared put that much on me. How much money does this guy have?

            “What other bounties does he have?” I asked.

            “One is on an alpha that broke wolf law and another is on a guy that helped him out. I am interested on the guy that helped him out I don’t want to deal with an angry pack because I killed their alpha.” He shrugged his shoulders. It was weird he was telling me all this.

            “What is his name?” I asked.

            “Lukas…” I snarled viscously at that name not letting him finish what he was about to say. My body was shaking with anger.

            “You are wasting your time you should be hunting that piece of shit down!” my wolf had full control now and I was shaking. Brian looked at me and he knew I lost control.

            “Lucy you need to calm down!” he growled out.

            “Lukas deserves to die!” my wolf snapped at him. If my hands weren’t bound I would have slapped him for suggesting calming down. He looked at me like I grew another head.

            “Do you know him?” Window breaker asked.

            “The reaction I had back there is all because of him.” I grumbled.

            He growled “I will kill him I promise.”

Sorry it was short but I am losing interest, give me a reason to keep writing this story please. Some suggestions would be voting commenting and fallowing me. But go ahead do whatever you want it’s your own life you beautiful people. 

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