Chapter 20

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Guilt is eating me alive for no reason. Very little sleep at all for the last two days I have only slept about 7 hours. I’m sick of people asking about my scars it only frustrates me but I guess I can’t blame 12 year old she is only curious. But come on the 60 year old man should know better!

Why am I at home but I have the feeling like I want to go home? Why do I never feel like I am home? There is a part of me that is missing and I don’t know what. Will I ever feel whole again? Someone take me home before I go insane!

            “Lucy wake up” someone said and shook my shoulder. My eyes snapped open and my wolf took over without shifting and snarled. I was looking at Brian “Don’t touch us!” my wolf snapped at him. We were parked on the side of the road on some hill. The sun was starting in to rise in the distance and a beautiful pink and orange was seeping into the sky. My hands were still bound together with a belt.

            “I’m sorry Lucy but we are on the out skirts of your territory. I want you to be prepared. I have already called them and they are meeting us at the border.” He stated with saddens.

            “Are you sure I have to go back right now?” I pouted looking down. “I need space.”

            “Lucy you are safe here and Jake loves you.” he encouraged me. Tears slipped down my cheeks unchecked. “Oh shit Lucy. It can’t be that bad, can it?”

            “I have history and I was locked up for months and my wolf and I just want freedom being stuck in a tiny cell for months was just too much for us.” I mumbled through the tears. “We need to travel.”

            Brian sighed “Lucy I know you have history but you need to work it out with your mate not run from it.” He started the truck up and pulled away from the curb. I let the tears fall.

            Ten minutes later we crossed over into Broken Arrow territory. My tears had stopped falling and you can now see the top of the sun peaking over the trees. Godzilla pulled over again shut the truck off. He looked over at my slumped over form. I was leaning on the door with my head resting on the window.

            My wolf and I have given up. Given up on hope, freedom, and life. We wanted nothing more than for it to be over. I shut down.

            Brian got out of the truck and came over to my door. When he opened the door I slide with the door almost hitting the ground. He caught me though and slid me back on the seat. “Lucy what is wrong?” I stared out the windshield of the truck not even acknowledging that he said anything at all.

            When he was about to speak again Jared’s silver Porsche came racing around the corner. It came to a screeching halt about fifty yards in front of us but on the side of the street. Jake was out of the passenger side of the car within seconds and jogging towards us. I felt nothing; my wolf felt nothing. Brian stepped away from me frowning.

            Jake pulled me from the truck, but I let myself grumble to the ground. Before I made it to the ground Jake caught me. I was limp in his arms. His head snapped towards Brian “What did you do to her!” he snapped.

            “N-nothing she was fine te-ten minutes ago we had a conversation. She wasn’t happy with what I had to say and and and…” Brian ran out of words. Jake snarled.

            “Jake just take her to see Kelly.” Jared ordered.

            “Jake I gave her morphine around” he paused and look at his watch “around five” Brian said.

            “Why did you give her morphine” Jared asked.

            “Her ribs were really bothering her.” Lie. He hurt them again. Asshole.

            “Jake take my car with Lucy back to the pack house Kelly is there waiting for you there.” Jared ordered.

            Jake scooped me up in his arms and carried me to Jared’s car. He put me in the passenger seat and buckled me in. As he pulled back from buckling me in he kissed me on the forehead “I missed you so much.” He tried to make eye contact with me but I stared past him. He sighed and closed the door and walked to the driver’s side and got in. I didn’t pay any attention to him as the car roared to life when he started the car. He whipped a u-turn and raced back the way he came from.

            “Lucy,” he started but I paid him no mind at all. “I’m sorry about earlier, I just- my wolf just- I’m sorry.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw him looking anywhere but at me looking extremely guilty.

            We rode in silence the rest of the trip and once we made it to the pack house Jake jumped out of the car and raced around to my door. He unbuckled my seat belt and lifted me out of the car. I lay limp in his arms and concern was written on his face. Before we made it to the door Kelly opened it. “What’s wrong with her?” Kelly asked.

            “I don’t know the bounty hunter said she was fine one minute and the next she was, well like this.” Jake answered as he walked in the front door and started for the living room.

“Just lay her down on the couch so I can look at her.” Kelly sighed.

“The bounty hunter said he gave her morphine at five because her ribs were bothering her.” Jake told her as he laid me down. He sat in a chair that was a few feet away from my head. I just stared at the fireplace across me not moving.

“Lucy what seems to be the problem?” Kelly asked and I ignored. I wanted to tell her but it was like I was frozen. Kelly waved her hand in front of my eyes after a few answerless minutes. When my gaze didn’t falter and I didn’t make a move to answer her she made a “huh” sound. After a few minutes of her looking over my body and poking and prodding me she said “Jordan why don’t you take Jake to the kitchen?” Jake growled.

“I’m not going anywhere I just got her back.” Jake demanded.

“Jordan do you mind holding him back then, because he is going to like the next few tests I am about to perform.” Kelly was blunt about it. For the first time I noticed Jordan in the room with us but I didn’t look away from the fireplace.

“Are you sure Kelly because I his wolf is already pushing for control I think we should wait for Jared. He will be able to control the situation better than I can.” Jordan answered nervously.

“When is he coming back?” Kelly asked.

“He should be back any minute.” Jake answered her, “What kind of tests are you planning on performing on her?”

Kelly grimaced “Oh umm…” she rubbed the back of her neck nervously. “First I’m going to umm take some blood and if she doesn’t react to me drawing blood I was going to smack her around a little to see she reacts to a little pain.” She shrugged.

Jake snarled “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that and why do you have to take blood?” Jake asked with an edge to his voice.

“I don’t think she will be able to pee on a pregnancy test for me. If you know any other form of pregnancy test out there Jake please, please enlighten me.” Kelly snapped at him.

“Why does she need to take a pregnancy test?” Jake snapped back.

“Really Jake? Do you not remember what happened before she came here and while Lukas was here? Do we need to talk about the birds and the bees?” Kelly snapped harshly.

“Oh….” Was all Jake said. With that Kelly started digging in her bag. Jake got up and walked the few feet that was between us and sat on the floor next to me. He picked up my hand and intertwined our fingers. My wolf and I were indifferent to the situation. My wolf hasn’t made a peep since our conversation with Brian.

“Lucy I’m going to take a vial of your blood. Okay?” Kelly tried to explain to me but I didn’t acknowledge anything she said. I wanted to fight back as she took my arm and cleaned the inside of my elbow with an alcohol swab. The smell burned my nose. Then there was a sharp pinch on the inside of my elbow and whatever hold my depression had on me let go. I squirmed trying to pull my arm away whimpering.

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