Chapter 9

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“You did what to her!” Jake shouted.

“I sedated her Jake. She should be waking up any minute now.” Kelly replied. I tried to open my eyelids to look at Jake but they are too heavy. I want to be in Jakes arms.

Jake growled. “Why did you do that?” he sounds pissed.

“She was digging her claws into herself and she lashed out at me and she only wanted you. I didn’t know what else to do.” Someone was moving around. “Jake what happened?” Kelly asked.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“After you came back?” Kelly asked.

“Lucy called me back because Lukas was attacking her.” he said with zero emotion.

“What do you mean attacking her?” Kelly asked.

“He was raping her.” Jake growled out.

“I’m so sorry Jake.” Kelly mumbled.

 I tried opening my eyes again and I got them to open but I slammed them shut again, letting out a soft whimper. The light was too bright. So instead of opening my eyes I called out “Jake” I reached my hands out. Jake quickly scooped me up in his arms and was cradling me.

“Lucy are you okay?” Jake asked. I just shook my head no. I received a growl in response “I swear to you Lucy as soon as I find him I will kill him!” I grabbed on to his shirt tightly and in haled his scent. His arms tightened their hold on me. “I’m so sorry I let him get away.”

“Lucy how are you feeling?” Kelly asked. Her question caused me to snuggle closer to Jake if it was even possible. When she realized I wasn’t going to answer her she asked “Does anything hurt?” when I didn’t answer that either she sighed and addressed Jake “Jake I can’t help her unless she talks to me.”

“If we need anything Kelly I will send for you, now get out!” he snapped. Kelly squeaked and jumped, I jumped at the tone of his voice also. It didn’t take long for her to grab her stuff and get out.

Once we were alone started rocking us back and forth in a soothing manor. I realized I was sobbing when he started shushing. When I sniffled Lukas’s scent burned my nostrils and I sobbed harder.

Though my sniffling I managed to croak out “Jake -hiccup- his –hiccup- scent is –hiccup- everywhere- hiccup.”

“I know baby” he stood up with me in his arms and carried me into the bathroom. He set me on the vanity before he turned on the water and tested the temperature. I was shaking as I hopped off the vanity. Jake turned and looked at me as I walked over to him I picked up his hand and pulled him in the shower with me, with all of our close on. I rested my head on his chest as the water washed away Lukas’s scent. Jake hesitantly tugged the hem of my shirt, understanding what he wanted I pulled it over my head, leaving me in my panties. I slipped out of those on my own. He picked up a wash cloth, added some soap and started washing me. I just stood there motionless, silently letting the tears run down my cheek.

When he finished washing me he shut the water off. Still in his own clothing he hopped out of the shower and grabbed a towel he wrapped it around me and then he pulled his own shirt off and then his pants he turned around and pulled off his boxers and I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this with what just happened but boy does my mate have a sexy ass. He quickly covered that juicy ass of his with a towel that wrapped around his hips.

When he turned around he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. Once he sat me down on the bed he walked over to the dresser and pulled out a white t-shirt. He kept digging and eventually pulled out some basket ball short. With his back still towards me he dropped his towel again showing off that beautiful ass of his and pulled on the shorts. He walked over to me as he dried his hair and handed me to white t-shirt. I quickly pulled it on. As soon as it was on I reached for Jake it was almost childlike how I reached for him. He quickly picked me up and moved the covers and while still holding me he crawled under the covers.

Once we were situated I whispered “Jake he was the reason I am so scared.”

His chest grumbled “Why didn’t you tell me I would have killed him.”

“He would have killed you, like he said he would.” I whimpered.

“What do you mean?” he asked softy.

“He has rogues working for him and he has them planning an attack where you are supposed to die. And then I am somehow supposed to end up in his possession again.” I said without emotion.

He snarled “I need to go talk to Jared.” He said as he tried to peal me off him.

 I clutched onto him tighter and whimpered. “Don’t leave Jake. Please don’t leave.” I sobbed and his action quickly stopped.

He looked down at me with questioning eyes. I am sick of dealing with my rapes alone and with him here it takes away all the pain. He picked me up with him and started towards the door, but quickly stopped and set me down. I shivered with the sudden departure of his body brought the cold to take its place but he was back within seconds with a pair of his shorts. He handed them to me to put on and I did. He picked me up once they were on and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I buried my face in his neck when he opened the door.

It only took Jake few seconds before he opened a door and closed it behind him.

“Jake, Lucy.” Jared greeted us. “Lucy I just want to apologize for what happened. I am absolutely disgusted that it happened on my territory under my watch. I promise you as soon as we catch up to him, he will be punished for his crimes.” Jared said bluntly with disgust.

“Th-th-thank you.” I replied with a shaky voice, never lifting my face from the crook of Jake’s neck.

“Now what can I do with for you?” Jared asked with curiosity.

“Lucy gave me some disturbing information; Lucy do you want to tell him?” Jake asked me softly. I shook my head no and tried to get closer to him.

Jake sighed and went on to say “Before Lukas left he told Lucy that he made pans with some rogues where they are supposed to attack, kill me and take Lucy.” Jake voice was laced with distaste and he had to force out the last part.

Jared huffed “Lucy how do you know Lukas?” I tensed up and dug my fingers into his neck.

“She said that he is the reason that she is so afraid, nothing else.” Jake said flatly. He tightened his hold on me.

“Lucy you obviously know the guy but how?” Jared asked.

I whimpered, not wanting to answer. “Lucy answer him please.” Jake pleaded with me. I whimpered again and wriggled in Jake’s arms.

Once I realized I wasn’t leaving this room until I answered, mumbling the whole answer “My old alpha sold me to him, or something like that, when they made the exchange they said something about a lycan army and taking over the lycan world.” I was sobbing by the time I was done talking. Jakes hold on me was so tight that it was getting hard to breath.

“What do you mean start a lycan army?” Jared asked.

“I’m not sure; it had something with breeding strong werewolves with each other and creating pups that would be strong.” I was stiff as a board under Jared’s gaze when I was done speaking.

“Who was your alpha Lucy?” Jared asked.

‘Don’t answer him.’ My wolf said.

“I-I-I don’t remember.” I said.

“Lucy you’re lying I can feel it.” Jake said.

“Don’t make me answer please don’t.” I pleaded.

“Lucy I’m sorry but you have to tell Jared.” Jake said.

With those words my wolf let herself be known with a low growl. Jake stiffened. When I got my wolf under control I murmured “My wolf said no.”

“Lucy” Jared grumbled.

“Alpha John.” I said so softly that they both asked “what?”

“Alpha John.” I said again but this time a little louder and they both heard.

Before I knew what was happening Jake pride me off him and set me down. His eyes were black as night as he ripped the door off its hinge and was out the door before I could stop him.

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