Chapter 22

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Hey CourtneyJohnson519 thank you for the comments they really made my day!

I found out my f-buddy is f-buddy with other girls. So I am breaking it off I think, I don’t take to kindly to sharing. I’ve hated sharing since I was cheated on in 60% of my relationships. I’m just not relationship material. It’s not fair of me to ask him to not see the other girls, I’m not his girlfriend and nor do I want to be. If you have any great ideas on how to handle this message me please!

There is a lot of love dove poop in this chapter, it’s not really my thing but I think I nailed it. Now only if I could nail it in real life L

            When I woke up the second time Jake was standing by the door with a tray of food. My wolf grumbled, pissed off that he was here. He looked nervous.

            “Good morning. Are you hungry?” he asked.

            My wolf dragged us out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I went potty and washed my hands. Looking in the mirror I noticed that my eyes were coal black. I opened my mouth and my canines are fully extended.

We walked to the door and Jake gave us a grin. We growled not liking his grin. His grin fell into a frown; he passed the tray to us. On the tray was chicken soup and crackers. My wolf automatically got mad, chicken soup. Really, what the fuck we want real meat. I picked up the bowl and chucked it at Jake and screamed “Leave and don’t come back unless you have real food or you’re letting me out!” The look on Jake’s face made me laugh without humor.

            I turned and started pulling off my clothing.

            “What are you doing?” Jake asked.

            “Shifting” was all I said before I shifted to my petite grey wolf. My wolf sighed with contentment, happy to be in her form where she feels safe. She trotted over to the empty corner across from the door and plopped down on the floor curling up like a cat facing the door.

            Jake sat down in front of the door and watched me like a creeper. After a few minutes of nothing there was a push at my mental barrier, I knew it was Jake trying to snoop around in my head so I let out a menacing growl warning him to back off.

            “Lucy I love you,” Jake sighed, he looked lost for words. A few minutes of silence went by before he started pouring his heart and soul out, “I would do anything for you. I’m sorry that you and your wolf are hurt. I want to make this up to you. I never meant to hurt you. I want you to know that. I also want you to know that we are getting leads on the locations of John and Lukas. I hope you can get better so you can be there when they fall.” Jake came out confident at the end. My wolf relaxed a little bit, I could tell she can’t stay mad at Jake forever. I can’t either.

            Once he saw me relax a little a small smile started to grow on his lips. He continued “Lucy I love you, I want you to carry my pups, I want to fight with you the rest of my life, I want to laugh with you the rest of my life, and most of all I want to grow old with you.” The sincerity in his voice melted away more of the anger and hurt.

            “Lucy I don’t want you to feel trapped or that you have to be here, I want you to want to be here. I want you to want me, I want the best for you, I want you to be happy here, if we get through this and get a chance to start a family I want you to raise our pups here where it is safe, I want you to feel safe where ever you are, I want you to know that I want you more than anything else in the world. I would go to the end of the world for you and our possible pups. Lucy I promise that no one is ever going to hurt you again without paying for it. I promise to love you. I promise to be the mate that every girl dreams of. I promise to love you to the day I die and beyond then.” At the end of this speech he was out of breath. It had almost all the anger melting away.

            ‘Lucy are you ready to forgive him yet?’ my wolf asked.

            ‘I am.’ Was all I said before my wolf let go. I shifted back to my human form. I was still lying on the floor so I sat up and leaned against the wall. When I looked up at Jake he was smiling like a cop in a donut shop. I sighed and said “I’m not sorry; I did what I had to do, I don’t know if I am ready to love you Jake or if I ever will be. I don’t know if I will want to stay here. There is a lot I don’t know Jake.”

            “I know, I shouldn’t have dragged you through the forest like that and I shouldn’t have claimed you again.” He looked really sad and guilty.

            “Just don’t ever do it again.” I told him sternly. He nodded eagerly, excited to be forgiven.  Just then a very happy go lucky Kelly bounded into view. I was still naked but I didn’t care.

            “How are you Lucy?” she asked in a way to joyful voice.

            ‘Great until a big ball of sunshine decided to stop by.’ My wolf grumbled. I grumbled out loud. My wolf was still pissed at Kelly for the whole taking my blood thing.

            “I see you shifted.” She pointed out the obvious.

            “No shit Sherlock.” I snapped at her.

            “Well the good news is your not pregnant.” She gushed.

            “Jake is she high? She is just being frustrating and annoying.” I rubbed my temples.

            “Yeah, Brian brought Nick some pot and well Kelly loves the stuff.” Jake shrugged.

            “If marijuana was food it would be my favorite food!” Kelly gushed, her eyes got really big. (The sad thing is a girl at my school really said what Kelly just said.)

            “I think she is on a lot more than just pot.” I quipped.

            “Yeah I don’t know about that Jared doesn’t let anything stronger than pot and alcohol in the house but since he left I don’t know.” Jake shrugged his shoulders again.

            “Wait if our doctor is impaired than what if something happens? And where did Jared go?” I asked.

            “We are SOL for the first question and Jared is looking in on a lead on Lukas.”

            “Nah we are fine I can still practice medicine.” She dragged the out the ‘nah’ and she was investigating her hand like it was the coolest thing in the world.

            “Sure you can.” I said sarcastically “When will we here from Jared?” I asked.

            “Probably by tomorrow afternoon, he traveled most of today and I’m sure he will take some time to relax and then him and the hosting alpha will get down to business.” Jake said.

            “Well can I come out?”

            “That’s the thing Jared took the keys with him. He said you can’t leave until he says so. He is super pissed about the whole thing.” Jake looked down “There isn’t anything I can do either.”

            “Well that sucks.” I grumbled.

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