Chapter 14

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So you guys today is my last day of grandma sitting and I will be heading home. I don’t know how much writing will get done at my house. Most of my family doesn’t know I write and I don’t really want them to know. I have been using my sister’s lap top and I will be giving it back to her tomorrow night and I hate my home computer it’s slow and the chair is uncomfortable. So let’s see what happens.

            He growled. ‘No Lucy we aren’t going anywhere this is our home.’

            The way he said it had me feel trapped and the urge to travel was over whelming. I had been locked up for so long that both my wolf and I just wanted to keep moving. I looked towards the territory border and whined. Not that we were close to it by any means I just looked the direction it was in.

            I regretted immediately before I could make a move Jake’s wolf launched at me knocking me to the ground. Before I knew what was happening he sunk his teeth into my neck where he marked me. His wolf let out a throaty growl in a possessively manor as remarked me.

            The remarking wasn’t as painful as the first time he marked me but it still had me whimpering. I relaxed my body completely show submission.

            After he was satisfied with his work he let go and cleaned the wounds that his canines left behind. Grabbing the scruff of my neck he started dragging me back toward the house. It made me feel like he was dragging his kill. During the long trip back I let him drag my limp body without a fight. He was mad and I wasn’t going to make it worse. I don’t understand why he is so mad though. He acted as if me bring up the idea of leaving the pack was like me killing a baby or something.

            When we finally made it back to the house he dropped me by the porch. I didn’t attempt to move at all. He shifted to his human form. He pulled on his shorts quickly when he noticed I made no attempt to move it only made him madder. “Shift” he growled and threw his shirt at me. I did and quickly pulled my shirt on without moving from my spot on the ground. I don’t know why he threw me his shirt my clothes are folded up and sitting on the porch steps. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

            When I tried to pull away I received a warning growl that had me flinching away. He dug his nails in my arm and started dragging me up the porch steps. When he ripped the door open it almost came off its hinges as it banged against the side of the house. When he dragged me through the kitchen Nick asked “Jake what’s wrong?” but he only received a vicious growl in reply and Nick shrunk back.

            “Jake I’m sorry I promise I won’t bring it up again. Please Jake I’m sorry.” My pleas were ignored as he dragged me through the living room. Jordan looked up from what he was doing gave me a sympathetic look.

            When we reached the stairs I tripped over the first one and fell hard on my ribs. I let out a squeal as a sharp pain shot through my chest. I was hoping that this would work in my favor to get Jake to forgive me but when he turned his face was hard and angry. He grabbed my arm again and pulled me off the ground and pulled me in front of him and started pushing me up the stairs. I whimpered the whole way the pain in my back was intense. When we reached the top he started dragging me again. “Nick come up here please!” Jake called out as we reached his room. “Put some pants on!” he growled out as he pushed me into the room. I quickly grabbed my yoga pants out of a drawer and pulled them on. When I did the pain got worse.

            Nick bounded into the room “Yeah man?” he looked between Jake and me.

            Jake looked at Nick while he spoke “Watch her while I go speak with Jared. Don’t turn your back on her at all.” He turned his attention back on me and pointed his finger at me “Don’t you dare leave this room. If you do what happened in the woods will look like a slap on the hand.” Then he left the room slamming the door shut behind him. I flinched at the sound.

            I crawled onto the bed and into the farthest corner away from Nick. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I sat so my back faced the wall. I placed my forehead on my knees and sighed. It wasn’t the most comfortable position for my ribs but I ignored it.

            After what felt like forever Nick broke the silence by asking “What happened Lucy?”

            “I made a very bad suggestion, and he over reacted.” I muttered.

            Jake came in at that moment and said “You are right it was a very bad suggestion and I didn’t over react. I acted before you could make a very big mistake, I mark what was mine. Confirming that you are mine and you will not leave ever.” The alpha in him came out when he spoke and it made me shrink back. My wolf wanted out of this room and out of the territory, she didn’t want to spend another minute in this hell hole. “You can leave now Nick, thanks.” Jake said.

            I looked up to notice Nick looking at me before leaving his eyes asked if I was going to be okay. I pleaded with my eyes for him to stay. But he left any way; he didn’t have a choice Jake ranked higher than him in the pack. This was the first time in the few days that I have known Jake that I have been terrified of him and what he will do.

            When Jake sat down on the bed I shrank back trying to make myself smaller. He sighed “I’m not sorry, but are you okay?” he asked. When I didn’t answer he reached out for me and my wolf let out a warning growl. He pulled back for a second but then thought about it and reached out for me again this time I hopped up and went to jump off the bed but my foot got caught in the sheet and I went crashing down, hard.

            When I landed my ribs again and I heard them crack before I let out a blood curdling scream. Jake hopped off the bed and went to me but my wolf snarled and took control “Get away from me!” she snapped. Jake stepped back and hurt covered his face.

            The door burst open and Nick, Jordan, and Jared barreled in. “Get me Kelly!” I screamed holding my side. I started coughing and pain shot through my chest. As the coughing got worse so did the pain and the next thing I knew I was coughing up blood all over the floor.

            When I looked up at Jake his face was a mix of panic, fear, and hurt.

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