Chapter Twelve: Just Friends?

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Chapter Twelve: Just Friends?

Luckily, the Cluster Spaceship was in the area covered by the dome, and so the Cluster Family had enough supplies to last for years.

Princess Izler, realizing that the computer would not be able to see his beloved Xerox machine on Venus, thought that now she would be able to gain his affection, and her romantic goal of union with the computer would now be attainable. 

She went into the computer room and said, “I’m sorry for those mean things I said, dear computer. Of course I had no right to assume that you felt the same way about me as I did about you. I was rash and vain. Let’s be friends, okay?”

“Sure,” said the computer, relieved to have the boring and spoiled princess not making a fool out of herself, like she had been doing. He even was beginning to look back fondly on the times that she had put cookies into his input slot.

“I’ll stop back later, and we can have a nice friendly talk,” she said as she left the room, with thoughts of baby robots dancing thru her head.

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