Chapter Twenty Six: The Sign

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Chapter Twenty Six: The Sign

Suddenly the Cluster Family found themselves on Mars, on the other side of the river of milk than they’d been before. Everyone seemed in good spirits except for the Grand Duchess, who was still upset with the king for so abruptly ending her moment of bliss with Space Hog.

They continued on, happily finding that the purple piglets with two tails had once again rejoined them. After several days of chasing the piglets and shouting out anything that came into their heads, Grand Duchess Topper noticed that up ahead was something interesting. She was about to say “Hmmmmm” and pretend that she was pondering on what it might be, when she saw a sign that said, “Mars City - Straight Ahead.”

After the entire Cluster Family had read the sign, King Nekker said, “Mars City is straight ahead!” He was appalled at what seemed to be unconcern on the part of the rest of the Cluster Family, and so felt himself to be vastly superior to them.

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