Chapter Fifteen: Grand Duchess Topper's Amazing Discovery

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Chapter Fifteen: Grand Duchess Topper’s Amazing Discovery

Day after day, the Cluster Family amused themselves chasing after the purple piglets. One thing that upset them, was that the piglets could run thru the dome to the outside, which they knew they couldn’t get thru, and so just sat down and cried, until they’d forgotten why they were crying.

One day, Grand Duchess Topper walked up to the dome, and kept walking. The Cluster Family was getting ready to laugh at her, until they realized that she had walked right thru the dome to the outside.

“How did you do that?” they all asked, suddenly having great respect for Grand Duchess Topper and her apparent magical powers.

“Well, dear Clusters,” she began, looking deeply into each of their eyes, “after several weeks of deep pondering and saying ‘Hmmmmmm’, I had an idea, and decided to test it out. Charlotte Chicken *said* that we couldn’t ever leave the dome, and that it was hog-proof. Of course you all believed her. But I just had a strong desire to leave the dome, and so used my great deductive powers to figure the way out. Now, if my great deductive powers have deduced correctly, I think that we just might possibly be able to contact our dear and beloved Space Hog.”

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