04. Bar Room Fights

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Ragna sat in Klaus' back seat looking up to the house where Klaus stood talking to the owner in a god awful American accent, causing Ragna to snort in laughter. Stefan stood outside of the car, out of sight from the poor girl and Klaus waiting for his command to attack.

Soon Stefan was gone and Klaus opened the car door and got in. He became use to Ragna, he no longer jumped when she randomly appeared and actually began liking her company.

"That wasn't very nice what you did to that girl," Ragna told him.

Klaus shrugged it off and started the car. He fiddled with the radio for a bit, the silence was killing Ragna.

"Nothing to say for yourself?" Ragna asked.

"No," Klaus answered, "I have one mission and one mission only, that is to make hybrids."

"I don't know how I feel about that," Ragna told him truthfully.

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked.

"Something doesn't feel right," Ragna said, "I just feel like it won't work and you ill get hurt over it."

Klaus chuckled, "Ragna, it's just you and your 2,000 years loneliness. It's finally catching up to you. It's what people on this side call cabin fever, but you are on some other dimension and I am the only one who can see or speak to you."

"Jackass," Ragna mumbled under her breath.

Klaus turned round with a goofy grin on his face, "What you call me?" he asked with laughter apparent in his voice.

Ragna tuned away and smiled, "Nothing."

"Did you just call the mighty and powerful hybrid a jackass?" Klaus asked her smiling, "You should be calling me all-knowing sexy god,"

The door opened and Stefan slipped in the car looking at Klaus with a concerned expression, "I don't know what fantasy you are having, but try not to have it while I'm around."

Ragna snorted in laughter and Klaus turned a deep red color in embarrassment.

"They are soon going to lock you up," Ragna said to Klaus, "They think you are crazy."

Klaus rolled his eyes and peeled away from the house.


Klaus and Ragna walked into a bar that supposedly Ray Sutton was at, the werewolf Klaus has been tracking all summer.

Ragna strayed away from Klaus curious about the girls standing at a glowing box that music coming out of.

Klaus took a seat next to the werewolf, "Ray? Ray Sutton?"

"Who wants to know?" Ray asked.Klaus smiled proudly, "I've been looking everywhere for you. We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here, to you."Ray looked around nervously, "I think I'll be going." He tried to get up but, Klaus stopped him.

"Not so fast mate," Klaus said, "You only just got here, now your type are very hard to come by."

Ray tried to walk the other way but bumped into Stefan, "I wouldn't do that," Stefan said as he pushed him back to the counter.

" Vampires," Ray snarled.

"And me!" Ragna yelled across the bar, but of course Klaus was the only one who could hear her.

Klaus rolled his eyes at the girl but kept focus on Ray, "You're swift Ray! Yes! My friend here is a vampire. He compelled everybody in the bar so don't look to them for any help. I however, I'm something else, a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf."

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