22. Eric

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Ragna woke up with a smile as someone caressed her hair gently. She sunk into the pillow further and sighed out in relief. "Klaus, what are you doing," she muttered quietly.

"I'm most definitely not lover boy," someone scoffed. Ragna's eyes shot open to the strange voice, causing her to turn her head and come face to face with Gullvig. She was laying where Klaus once laid, sprawled out on the bed with one hand resting under her head. She looked at the ceiling bored.

"Get off of me," Ragna pushed her away with a huff. She sat up in the bed covering herself up with the sheet. "Where is Klaus?"

Gullvig shrugged, "Downstairs I suspect. But I don't want him around us at the moment. We have business to discuss."

"Like what?" Ragna questioned.

"The Council has dissolved," Gullvig, "It's basically a Civil War."

"What are you talking about?" Ragna asked, "What is the Council?"

"Shit," Gullvig muttered, "I guess I haven't talked to you about the foundations."

"Look let me get dressed and we can talk," Ragna said as she stood up from the bed securing the sheet around her naked body.

"I've seen it all Ragna, no need to cover up we have pressing matters to attend to," Gullvig replied look so serious that Ragna couldn't even believe that it was coming from her.

"What's the Council?" Ragna questioned once again.

"The Council is a group of very old protectors, they go from the start of human-kind they are well over of you and me. Rumor is that Odien himself created them," Gullvig answered, "There is a mixture of them, good and bad, they run everything, they even control the magistrate, my boss, and soon your boss."

"My boss?" Ragna questioned.

"There is a whole line of process," Gullvig answered as she got up from the bed, pulling her skin tight dress down her thighs. "It's a totem pole, you and the other run of the mill protectors are at the bottom, then it is the protectors like me, the sheriffs. Then the magistrate, and the council."

"So why have I never heard of this before?" Ragna questioned raising an eyebrow at Gullvig.

"Ragna, you are so powerful," Gullvig told her, "But you don't know how to use these powers yet. I need you to learn before I could tell you this. These people we have to deal with are not people you want to mess around with. If they found out that you are basically powerless they wouldn't have you as a sheriff."

"But I'm not. You said I wasn't," Ragna told her.

"You are powerless unless you know how to use that power," Gullvig answered her, "We will be having a meeting about this matter later tonight over tea. You, me, Hiln and the magistrate."

"Híln? Why is she there?" Ragna questioned.

"She is the other sheriff of the area. We have to have both sides represented," Gullvig answered her.

Ragna sighed, "Why is the Magistrate pushing into our business?" Ragna questioned.

Gullvig sighed, "This Civil War is long overdue, and you have a part to play in it."

"I don't want a part!" Ragna exclaimed, "I want to be left alone and protect Klaus. And when the time comes, take over as Sheriff for you."

"This Civil War is because of Klaus and you," Gullvig answered with a stern face. "Klaus is one of the most powerful creatures in the world. And now he has you, another very powerful creature. One of the most powerful protectors I've ever witnessed. You have divided the council, they are fighting over you."

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