13. Black

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"Must say, I'm impressed with what your hybrids could do in such a short period of time," Ragna commented as she walked around Klaus' new home. "You got yourself a cool pad."

Klaus scoffed, "Did you just say pad?"

"Isn't it what people are saying nowadays?" Ragna shrugged him off.

"I don't bother to try to keep up with the lingo of the present," Klaus muttered, "I evolve enough to fit in."

Ragna grinned, "So you don't take selfies?"

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Stop your teasing. We have more pressing matters to attend to."

"Like what to do with your sisters body?" Ragna asked all to knowingly.

"Exactly," Klaus said forcefully, "What should I do with my baby-sister?"

"That's up to you mate," Ragna told him. "Do you want to rip the band-aid off quickly or just do the same thing  in a few decades?"

Klaus groaned, "I can't deal with her constant whining and murderous rampage that I have to clean up."

"Then it's settled," Ragna said, "Leave her daggered. But can I please close the coffin?" she begged.

"Some type of metaphor?" Klaus scoffed at her.

"Not at all," Ragna told him. "I just like to use my new found powers."

"Speaking of which, how the bloody hell did you learn to do that?" Klaus asked with amazement in his eyes.

"Gullvig told me if I focused hard enough, I could do it. She told me I was powerful. More powerful than you," Ragna smirked.

"Doubtful," Klaus grinned at her.

"Really?" Ragna asked, cocking an eyebrow. Suddenly Klaus was pushed up against the wall, feet dangling a few feet above the newly finished floor. "Are you really sure?"

"Jesus, Ragna put me down," Klaus said with a small chuckle. Ragna let him drop to the ground, he landed with a hard thud. Klaus jumped up from the ground, reaching out for Ragna's dainty wrist, but his fingers grabbed air

She smirked at him, "And the best part is, I'm invincible."


"What happened in here?" Ragna wrinkled her nose up at the puddle of blood sitting on the floor.

"Stefan Salvatore," Klaus answered briskly.

"What a shame, it was new tiling," Ragna shook her head.

"What do you want me to do with her head?" a hybrid asked Klaus, holding a cloth bag, with leaking blood coming form the bottom."Just get rid of it. Burn it.I honestly don't care, Daniel," Klaus groaned.

"Damn Daniel, use your brain," Ragna chuckled, leaping down the stairs to meet Klaus.

"You called? I'm here," Tyler said as he entered the room. His eyes widened in curiosity as he saw the puddle of blood, "What happened?"

"What happened is Stefan had two paths in front of him and he chose the one that made me angry," Klaus said, "I need you to help me do something about that."

"Can't you just leave me out of it?" Tyler pleaded.

"What would be the point in that?" Klaus raised his eyebrow.

"Seriously man, can't you just get one of your other hybrids to do your bidding?" Tyler asked, "I lost my friends, my girlfriend."

Klaus smirked, "Right, your, uh, your girlfriend. Um, about her...I need you to bite her."

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