23. Revelations

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"What?" Ragna barked into her phone as she rolled over on her stomach. The makeup on her eyes was smeared, and her eyes puffy and red from sleep. The morning sunlight peeked into her room lighting her hair messy hair like a fiery halo. She pulled the cover tighter over her body as she sighed and closed her eyes, praying for sleep to consume her tired body.

"You'll never believe what happened to me." Kol's voice erupted from the other end of the line.

"And what is that darling?" Ragna insisted.

"Damon Salvatore and Elena showed up and staked me," Kol snapped at her.

"Was it a white oak stake?" she inquired.

"No," Kol drawled out.

"Then you are fine."

"Bitch," Kol muttered through the phone.

Ragna rolled her eyes at his snarky comment. "Don't be a dick. Now go back to your job."

"You're not the boss of me," Kol stated. Ragna could almost see the smirk on his face. "But it does turn me on slightly."

Ragna chuckled, "I'm going to tell your brother if you don't stop hitting on me."

Kol scoffed at her. "I highly doubt you need Nik's protection."

"You're right. I could crush you like a fly," Ragna smirked. "Now carry on with your business. And remember not to tell Klaus."

"Anything for you darling." The line went dead and Ragna threw her phone down on the bed. She got up and went to her closet, flipping through her mostly black wardrobe.

"You look like you are always ready for a funeral," Klaus muttered, leaning against the doorway. His eyes were focused on her and a puzzling grin appeared on his face. He never saw anything more beautiful.

"You never know who you have to kill today," Ragna smiled pulling out a dress. "What is wrong?"

"We've got to find the other stakes Love." Klaus smiled sadly at her.

Ragna pulled the dress over her head and pulled her hair out of the bun that it was in. She shook loose the curls and yawned. "Then we'll find them." She turned on her heels and grabbed a pair of shoes from the closet. "Well come on, let's get on with it."


"How dreadful," Ragna commented looking around the damp basement. It smelled of mildew and felt like a cave to Ragna. "You would think you could at least clean it for your friend," Ragna commented as she swatted away a cobweb. Her eyes met Alaric's as he leaned onto the bars of the Salvatore's cell, "What's up with Buffy?"

Stefan didn't answer her but his eyes traveled down to Ragna's hand, where she held the missing weapon that could destroy Klaus.

"Oh. And we found this!" Klaus exclaimed with a smirk, taking the stake from Ragna's hands and waving it in front of Stefan's face.

"Yeah, well it's gonna take a little more time," Stefan grumbled to them. "Why? Because we're waiting for that one to pass out?" Klaus pointed to Alaric, "No thanks. I think I'll just kill him."

Ragna put out her hand to stop Klaus from moving forward. "Stop," she whispered to him, making him pause before he did anything that would be regretted.

"Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake," Stefan spoke, his eyes making his way to Ragna's hand on Klaus' chest.

"Find it or you will all die," Ragna spoke up. "Then it will no longer be a problem as to who knows where they are at."

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