11. Powers

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"We have to go," Klaus grunted quickly as he made way to his parked car getting in the car.

Ragana looked up at Klaus from the uncomfortable bench she was sitting on. He made large strides to the car, his face stern, not showing any emotion at all. He looked like regular Klaus, but Ragna knew something was wrong. He just returned from a phone call from Stefan and she knew he almost put Klaus in a cranky mood. She got up and began to jog over to him, trying to keep up with him.

"What is it?" Ragna demanded.

"Mikael," Klaus warned.

Ragna stopped dead, her heart beating a million miles a minute. She quickly looked around, making sure nothing was off about her surroundings. She didn't see anything nor sense anything. She always had a feeling when something was about to happen, she didn't know if it was a protector thing or a Ragna thing, but she always managed to help Klaus escape his deranged, murderous, internalized racist father. "What about him?" Ragna whimpered.

Klaus turned around to meet Ragna's blue eyes swollen in concern. He gave her a smirk and then a loud laugh, a real laugh. "He's gone, Ragna. He's finally dead."

"What?" Ragna spluttered.

"Elena daggered him," Klaus chuckled, "He met his demise with a human teenage girl."

"Are you sure he is actually daggered?" Ragna questioned, sensing something odd with this story.

"Rebekah and Stefan reassured me," Klaus said, "Now we have to go so I can properly kill him myself."

"Klaus," Ragna began, "Don't you think it to be odd that Elena just... daggered him so easily. Like it was no problem at all. And don't you think it's weird that Salvatore twits just let her risk her life to do it?"

Klaus exhaled loudly from holding his breath the entire time Ragna spoke. "I suppose it seems out of character."

"Out of character? Klaus, I can smell the bullshit from here," Ragna chuckled, "I will bet my life it's all a conspiracy."

"So what do you say I do?" Klaus inquired.

"Play the damsel mate," Ragna told him, "If they think they fooled you, then you have fooled them."

"Then we better get going Ragna. After a thousand years my father is going to be dead," Klaus said sarcastically.


"Do you think it fooled him?" Stefan asked Rebekah.

Rebekah shrugged, making brief eye contact with Stefan before looking back out the window. "Nik's been off since the last I've seen him. I just don't have a good feeling about this, that's all."

Stefan sighed, taking a seat next to her, "I know what you mean."

"He seems to just know everything all of a sudden. He used to question himself and his actions. But now, he has this new confidence boost," Rebekah shook her head, trying to figure out what was wrong with her brother.

"He didn't say anything to you about a ghost?" Stefan asked.

Rebekah gave him an unhinged look, "What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"I'll take that as a no, then," Stefan uttered, "Back in Chicago, Gloria said Klaus has this girl, that only appears to him and she is always with him. She tells him things, she's like his reporter on everything."

"Not this again!" Rebekah groaned.


"Nik told me about his imaginary friend," she told him, "Apparently she is his protector."

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