24. Black Magic Woman

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Ragna sat the whipped cream bottle on the counter and looked at her work with an overly proud expression. Throughout the house the smoke alarm rang it's shrill sound, waking Klaus up from his sleep. He stumbled down the steps to turn it off and strolled into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" he yawned rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Ragna turned around clutching a plate of food and a glass of blood. "I made you breakfast." She sat it down on the breakfast bar and dragged the barstool out for Klaus. She took the seat next to him and motioned for him to come over.

He sat and looked at the plate of food in front of him. Charred bacon sat on the side and in the middle of the plate sat a large pancake with strawberry eyes and whipped cream fangs. "Is this supposed to be me?" Klaus smiled looking at it.

Ragna shrugged, "Sure. Why not?"

Klaus picked up the piece of bacon and took a nibble. It was as unyielding as a stone and tasted nothing but burnt meat. "This is good," Klaus grinned at her, having a hard time swallowing.

"Try the pancakes!" She exclaimed with a large grin. "It's the first time I made them. I saw the recipe on Pinterest!"

Klaus sliced his fork into the vampire pancake and the batter from the middle ran out onto the plate.

"Is it supposed to do that?" Ragna sought.

Klaus shrugged and smiled at her, "I'm sure it's delicious regardless."

Ragna smiled widely, "Good, I hope you like it. It's my apology for me bailing last night and not coming home."

Klaus frowned and nodded. "I was worried. You didn't come home and just left without a word. I was afraid something happened to you."

"It was just protector business," Ragna informed him.

"A phone call would have of sufficed," Klaus mumbled picking up another piece of burnt bacon.

"Sorry," Ragna rolled her eyes. "Cell service is shitty in protector land."

"You smell like blood," Klaus commented.

Ragna looked down at her nails and began to pick the blood from behind her nails. "I was a part of the assassination conspiracy of the Protector Council and kind of got a blood bath."

Klaus looked at her with scrunched eyebrows, "What the bloody hell are you talking about."

Ragna smiled at him and stood up, kissing him on the cheek. "Nothing I want you to ever worry about. I can handle myself."

"What is it?" Klaus asked as he chewed a mouth full of food, "Perhaps I could help. As you've helped me for a thousand years."

Ragna spun around with a smile and shook her head before leaving the kitchen.

"By the way," Klaus called after her as he wiped his face with a napkin Ragna had laid out for him, "Rebekah brought the other stake. We have them all, I cannot be stopped."

"Well that all rather seemed way too easy," Ragna muttered looking at the floor quizzically.

"She can be quite the charmer," Klaus smirked as he poked at the oozing pancake. "And did I mention that we will be chaperoning a school dance tonight?"

"I have other things to worry about other than teenagers and their libido tensioned dances," Ragna scoffed.

"Well we're going," Klaus told her.

Ragna rolled her eyes and turned away. "If you need me, I'll be trying to get the blood out of my hair."

Klaus looked at her puzzled for a moment before spitting her cooking out. "For now on, I'll do the cooking," Klaus muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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