12. The Pulling

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Ragna was fearless when it came to all things, all things but one. Those three little words that would make someone's heart flutter but for Ragna, they made her run for the hills. I love you. And Klaus Mikaelson had a way with those three little words.

It wasn't that she didn't love him, because she did. She just didn't know what love was. She was positive that she knew once long ago, before she became invisible for 2,000 years, but now with these words hanging over head, she panicked and did the only thing she thought to be right, shut down her emotions by shutting down the man that made her feel like that.

Ragna looked over Klaus' tranquil sleeping form, thinking about all the things she witnessed him do. She knew how over the years he seduced women, she was there for most of it, escaping at the right moment, so Klaus confessing his love to her was confusing, because he didn't know how to love and Ragna knew it.

"What are you doing?" Klaus questioned quietly from just waking up. His eyes cracked open to meet Ragna's. He sat up from the bed, the blankets falling from his body to reveal his toned chest to Ragna. Her eyes didn't dare to look away from his eyes. "Enjoy what you see Love?"

"Nothing impressive," Ragna answered with a shrug.

Klaus groaned and rolled over to bury his face into the pillow. "Of course not."

"Don't get your panties in a twist about last night," Ragna groaned, taking a seat next to him.

"Why would I? I only confess my love to a girl, but the feeling isn't reciprocated," Klaus muttered.

Ragna rolled her eye at him. "Klaus when it's time, it's time. I have a problem with people."

Klaus sat up in the bed so he was the same level as she was. "But it's just me. You know me."

Ragna nodded again, "And you've only known me for a few months."

"Doesn't matter how I feel about you," Klaus muttered moving closer to her, wanting to kiss her so badly.

Ragna looked down at his lips. His eyes were closed as if he was ready to kiss her. She almost let him so he would fall forward and tumble to the floor, but that was mean, even for Ragna. She stood from the bed, letting Klaus to meet with only and empty space in front of him.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Ragna asked him.

Klaus shrugged, "You're suppose to be the all seeing eye, you tell me."

Ragna pondered for a moment over her and Klaus' options. "Well," Ragna began, "You're father is dead, that means no harm will come to you or your family at all. I think it's time to wake them all up."

Klaus nodded, liking that idea she had. It was a long time since all of them were together. "Speaking of family, you haven't seen Rebekah at all yesterday."

After last night events Ragna almost forgot about her. "No."

"Well I think we should find my little sister first."

"I don't think they could keep Rebekah out," Klaus muttered to Ragna, "I mean, she wouldn't let them. She's kind of a psycho murder."

"Well, they are the only ones in the entire town with a problem with you and your family. Well the only ones with a problem that are brave enough to try anything," Ragna responded.


"Just go up, put on you Klaus swagger and talk to them," she urged, "You're a thousand years old not three, with a scary hybrid and me behind you . No need to be scared."

Klaus glared at her before walking up to Damon and Elena, cutting into the middle of their conversation. "Don't mind me."

"Klaus," Elena proclaimed, eyeing the hybrid up and down.

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