17. Really You and Me

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Human memories fade over time for protectors. One point in the future, Ragna knew she would have no memory of her past. But she remembered the throbbing pain from her time as a human. Her mother would always make her lay down with a cool rag on her head. She would always make her an herbal drink to try to relieve the pain. She knew what a headache was, what she was experiencing was not a headache she ever experienced before.

Ragna opened her eyes to be greeted with the lights open arms. The events of last night seemed to be nonexistent in her head and for a split second she thought she was back at Klaus' house, in the room he let her have. She was too tired to understand what was going on, then the panic set it. Her eyes got wide, wondering where she was. The last thing she remembered was taking a shot with Damon Salvatore.

She tried to shoot from the bed but she couldn't find the energy to do so and the invisable hammer seemed to hit her harder when she tried to sit up or move, but she did find the energy to roll over.

It was a sight to be seen, and Ragna wanted to scream. Damon Salvatore laid beside her on the bed naked. Afraid of what she'd done she peeked under the covers to check her own body and indeed she too was naked. Laying beside the bed was her ripped dress from the night before.

Awake and semi-functioning Ragna took in the appearance of the room. It was tacky, antique, and nothing of any style so she knew she had to be in the Salvatore house, more specifically Damon's room.

Her next step was to think if an exit strategy. It's be hard to escape a house full of vampires. Ragna knew she could easily kill them but she didn't feel capable of cleaning up the mess. She could hurt them, but she didn't want them to know who she was not yet. So her only plausible escape route was to sneak out and pray to the gods that they wouldn't wake up.

Damon seemed just as passed out as Ragna was a few minutes ago. He slept peacefully on the otherside of the bed making it easy to slip out of the bed. Her head spun when she stood and she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. Not caring about waking the vampire up or not she dashed to the bathroom and emptied last night's alcohol out. She flushed the toilet and slid down to the floor still naked, and not caring about anything anymore.

"First time?" That annoying voice she heard too much of last night asked her.

Ragna looked up at him with bloodshot eyes and said nothing. She responded with a gentle nod of her head.

"Here," he said throwing her a pair of stretchy shorts and a T-shirt. "Sorry about the dress. I can replace it."

"Don't worry about it," she muttered carefully putting the shirt on over her head. She wiped her face with the back if her hand and slowly pushed herself up from the ground, putting on the oversized shorts.

"Sorry about last night," Damon told her, "We were both drunk and we were both heartbroken. I shouldn't have done that."

Ragna was taken back by his apology. She didn't have him pinned out as the guy to apologize for one night stands. She thought he was a player, getting girls drunk and seducing them.

"Not completely your fault," Ragna said, " I was drunk too. But I am sorry for throwing up. I probably made a fool out of myself," Ragna said shaking her head slightly.

Damon smirked at her, "I did my first time too."

Ragna blushed and sighed, "Well I better go then."

She pushed Damon out of the way and found her way to the hall where she took the steps downstairs. She could hear Damon follow her down. He didn't bother to put on a shirt yet, bit wiggle into a pair of pants.

"Where ya going?" Damon asked her, "I didn't catch your name."

"Now settle down," Ragna told him, "Let's not make a big deal over this."

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