09. Between

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"She's going to be angry at you," Ragna told Klaus. She sat in peace in Klaus' car, her face toward thopen window letting the sweet late summer air hit her.

"She has eternity to forgive me." Klaus played radio trying to find that Ragna liked. She complained that she didn't know any music because Klaus never listened to anything but classical and jazz and since she physically couldn't press the buttons herself, she had Klaus do it for her.

Klaus stopped fumbling with the radio and placed both hands on the steering wheel and looked over at Ragna who was content sitting and doing nothing. A small smile was on her plump pink lips making Klaus wonder how they would feel against his own.

"Stop looking at me," Ragna told him, "It's creepy."

Klaus quickly moved his eyes straight ahead on the road. Ragna twisted her body so she was sitting correctly on her seat her eyes gazing over to Klaus occasionally.

"Are you sure they're werewolves there?" Klaus asked Ragna.

"Of course I'm sure," Ragna said, "I'm always right."

Klaus rolled his eyes at her arrogance. "Have you heard from Híln lately?"

Ragna shook her head, "Nope. She's being an unclear crazy bitch."

Klaus chuckled, "Be careful, she's a goddess."

"And I'm a dragon," Ragna rolled here eyes, "I just want someone to tell me what the hell is going on and if and when I can be seen by other people. No offense Klaus, but you get boring."

A smile played on Klaus' face as he looked over at his protector, the one person who was always there no matter what situation.


Klaus and Ragna stepped from the car into the grassy clearing. It was empty with only reminiscences of people being there.

"Well someone was definitely here," Klaus said.

"No shit," Ragna mumbled as she kicked a charred log. "They'll be back."

"Are you sure?" Klaus asked.

Ragna looked up at Klaus and nodded, behind him she noticed a little girl standing in the tree lines. She seemed familiar and safe to Ragna, she almost recognized her. Ragna took in her appearance, her dark braided hair cascading down her ivory skin, she was wrapped in a blue dress that flowed behind her, but what caught Ragna's attention was her golden eyes that burned into Ragna's blue ones.

Something felt out of place about this child in the woods. She didn't seem in her terrain, but judging by her golden eyes that all werewolves had, Ragna could only assume she was one.

"Look I told you they were here," Ragna said pointing into the tree line.

Klaus followed her finger but didn't see anything. "Ragna," he said softly, "There's nothing there."

Ragna met his concerned gaze and cracked a small smile, "Now I know how you feel."

Ragna began to walk to this girl but was stopped by Klaus' concerned voice. "Ragna, wait. I don't think it's safe. I'll go with you."

Ragna rolled her eyes, "It Protector stuff Klaus, I'm sure of it. And what can you do it protect me from something that's invisible to you?"

Ragna continued through the open field but stopped when the little girl was a few feet away from her. She didn't say anything but looked Ragna up and down.

"Who are you?" Ragna asked.

The little girl shrugged and began circling Ragna. "It doesn't matter who I am, Ragna. It matters who you are."

Ghost • Klaus MikalesonWhere stories live. Discover now