10. What's My Name?

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"You've been quiet," Klaus remarked as he parked his car on the side of the street.

"I have nothing to say," Ragna mumbled jumping out of the car.

"That's not true," Klaus said, following her lead, "You always have something to say. Always something sarcastic and smarmy." 

"Not anymore," Ragna said walking right through the busy people on the equally busy sidewalk.Klaus struggled to keep up with her. He shouldered past the people, trying to  keep up with her long paces.

"Ragna!" he called after her, pushing and shoving through the crowd, "Are you angry about last night?"

Ragna groaned, stopping in front of a small cafe, "No...I mean...I don't know, Klaus!"

He sighed stopping to stand by her, "You know, I look mad standing here talking to you."

"I know," Ragna told him, "Checks your ego when people look funny at you."

"So about last night," Klaus began, "I'm sorry about what I said. It was too soon. Matter of fact, I don't know why I said it, it's not like I mean anything by it. It was just everything going on."

Ragna's heart dropped to her stomach and she fought against the frown that was starting to form on her pink lips. "I have a lot on my mind too," Ragna whispered, "I have two people to look out after."

"Don't worry about me, Love," Klaus told her, "I really did mean you could never hurt me. You are one of my best friends."

Ragna gave him a small smile, "Alright best friend, let's get some werewolves for you."


Ragna on the hood of Klaus' car as he talked on the phone. It was 'business' he told her before stepping away from her. When he returned he had a mixture of emotions spewed across his face. She could tell he was angry and upset, but the one she could see through the most was, that he was scared.

"What's wrong?" Ragna asked him in a soft voice.

"I don't know if this," Klaus said gesturing around to the empty lot in the woods, filled the transitioning werewolves, "Is a good idea."

"What do you mean?" Ragna asked him.

"What I mean," Klaus said as he sat on the hood of the car with Ragna, "Maybe Mystic Falls shouldn't be my end goal. Maybe I should just get Elena and leave somewhere remote where nobody would find her."

Ragna thought about this for a moment, tolling the idea through her head. It was somewhat the easy plan, but again the Salvatores and the Bennett witch seemed to always get around things, including death itself.

"Sounds difficult," Ragna commented.

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked, "It's easier then having to deal with the lunatics living in that town."

"Those brothers and the witch would go to the ends of the Earth to find her, we both know that," Ragna said, "I mean they fooled death itself and Stefan went off the rails just so their lie would hold up. All for a stupid girl."

Klaus sighed, "What do you say I do then?"

"Take residency in Mystic Falls. Make nice with the town's people, the mayor, and the council," Ragna said, "When you do that, it'll drive them insane and paranoid, it will put them in survival mode. You know your end game, it's the doppelgangers blood. Make a diplomatic approach to the situation."

"You sound like Elijah," Klaus scoffed.

"It's pure genius."

Klaus pursed his lips and thought of the plan, "I mean, I'd be unstoppable. I'll have my hybrids, that'll put them over the edge even more."

Ragna nodded, "Like I said pure genius. You would be messing with their heads so badly."

Klaus gave her the biggest grin she ever saw in her entire life, "I could kiss you right now."

Ragna rolled her eyes at him, "Don't push it Mikaelson."


"That was easy," Ragna said watching the lights flash past Klaus' car.

"They didn't have anywhere to go. They are sired to me," Klaus told her.

"In about two days we will be making our re-grand entrance," Ragna said, "Any plans?"

"Other than make more hybrids and ruin the Salvatores' lives? Nope, can't think of anything," Klaus said with a small chuckle looking over at Ragna.

She laughed looking over to him, "You know, I was thinking a lot about what Gullvig told me."


"You should decide," Ragna told him, feeling the pressure releasing off of her instantly.

"I want to see you," Klaus whispered, "I want the world to see you."

"Pretend that your decision doesn't affect me," Ragna told him, "What would you chose? The light or the dark?"

"Really Ragna?" he scoffed, "You knew me all my life, you should know the answer."

Ragna fumbled with her fingers, not looking up at him because she already knew the answer. Klaus was too broken to be fixed, and the only way he could express emotion was through action and most of his emotion was anger or on the lines of that.

"I mean, you're no saint either," Klaus told her, "Do you ever think about not living the life someone wants you to live and start living what you feel like doing?"

Ragna shook her head, "I never had to make a decision this big before."

Klaus shrugged, "No one is good and no one is bad, Ragna. All the saints are sinners, and the sinners saints. That's why you do what you feel is right."

Ragna chuckled, "I'm suppose to be giving all the advice."

"So tell me, what do you feel is right?" Klaus asked her.

"Living this thing day by day and see where the road takes us," Ragna said.

Klaus smirked, "There you go." Ragna watched him as he turned up the radio, allowing the music to block out any sound in her head. It was going to be a long ride.

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