21. No Mercy

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Getting woken by a hybrid and leaving Klaus' mansion in the early hours of the morning, with the stars and the moon still lingering in the sky, and the grass kissed with dewy drops of the night was not on Ragna's agenda. Yet, by sunrise, she was surrounded by crowded streets and building that could reach Valhalla. She sat against the cool leather seats of Klaus' car watching the people, so innocent and oblivious of the world around them. She wondered how many knew about her world if any of them knew at all.

Klaus pulled into the parking garage, Ragna leading the way. "I don't know why people love the city. It smells like pee and is full of mean people," she commented. Ragna could feel for what they were looking for. It was like her second nature, she could feel trouble, but instead of running from it, she seemed to follow it.

Klaus walked suddenly in front of her and stopped in his tracks, while Ragna stayed back a distance, just in case she needed to step in at a moment's call she could evaluate the scene. Klaus caught up with the man that Ragan despised and wanted him gone, Finn.

"Hello Finn," Klaus grinned unmercifully at his brother.

Finn stuck up his nose and avoided his younger brother's stone silent stare, "Hello Klaus. I have nothing to say to you."

Klaus smirked, "Well, I'm not here to chat. I will ask you one time though, where's our mother."

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives," Finn sneered, "And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again."

"Well, how fortunate that I found you, I require your assistance," Klaus smirk turning into a sly grin.

"I have no wish to help you," Finn glared into the blue eyes of Klaus, "Only to see you dead."

Klaus chuckled, "Right, well, that's the thing; you see you won't be able to see me dead, because, if I die, then you die. So, wish unfulfilled, I'm afraid.

Finn scoffed at Klaus' charm, "Oh, bother someone else with your hollowed charms, Niklaus."

"Why?" Klaus asked, "Why not come bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls, I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together"

"I have no wish to be unliked," Finn glared back.

"Again with the wishes," Klaus moved in front of Finn, placing his hands on his brother's chest and giving him a slight push backward, "Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted in for 900 years."

"What happens to one, happens to all," Finn smirked, "You may not feel the effects of the dagger, bu you'd lose your precious Rebekah."

Klaus shrugged, "Wouldn't be the first time."

Finn attempted to speed away, only to be stopped by Ragna who although was a much smaller frame than Finn and shorter, looked like a brute. "Let's not make this any worse than it has to be darling."

Finn scoffed, "The protector? Don't you see Klaus is only using you he does not care for you."

Ragna stepped closer to Finn placing her two hands on his chest, "I highly doubt that is the case, you see what would your brother do without me?" The wind began to pick up, rustling Ragna's hair and coal black dress.

"You're making a scene girl," Finn said looking around at the people carelessly walking past them.

"They can't see a thing," Ragna said never taking her eyes off of Finn, "A little protector parlor trick."

Finn growled, reaching out for Ragna's neck but she pushed him back, his body flying and hitting the concrete sidewalk like a ragdoll.

Klaus and Ragna joined the crippled original, staring down at his body. "You've been working with Gullvig," Klaus mused.

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