14. Piss Off

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Klaus took a seat in the Salvatore boarding house. He was the only one around, and he intended it to be this way. He needed to talk to Stefan about returning his family since he kicked his hybrids out of Mystic Falls.

He had music blaring for a speaker and a drink in hand, waiting for he younger Salvatore to return. He was at edge as what was to come, his confident demeanor was fading every so without Ragna around. He thought it to be funny that she would get on his nerves so easily, but time away from her was excruciating, the seconds ticked by like hours, and without any hybrids, and his siblings all daggered, he was utterly alone, even Ragna was gone. He seemed to be doing that a lot, pushing people away.

But Ragna had to face the fact, that all students grow up and do the thing they were taught. Klaus believed that Ragna wore a mask all the time, and she was just scared, she was alone for 2,000 years, and she didn't want to be alone anymore, she wanted constant attention and reinsurance someone was around and they could hear and see her. Klaus knew what it was like to be lonely, he was experiencing it now, he just couldn't imagine 2,000 years of complete solitude.

Suddenly the door opened and Stefan walked in, not phased by Klaus' random appearance. He went over to the speaker and turned the music off. "What are you doing here, Klaus?"

Klaus smirked, "Enjoying our stalemate."

"What do you want?" Stefan questioned.

"The question is what you want?" he smirked, "My hybrids left town as you demanded, so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back."

"Well, see...Klaus," Stefan sighed, "I'm not negotiating."

"And you understand, that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean?" Klaus questioned.

Stefan shook his head, "No, No. You leave Mystic Falls and then give me call in a few years and we'll talk."

"I can give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal," Klaus told him.

"Or what?" Stefan asked, "You make one move and I will drop..."

Klaus laughed, "Yes, right. Crazy Stefan. How is that working out for you? Any friends left?"

"I don't know Klaus," Stefan said, "How's Ragna doing. She seems to have jumped boat."

Klaus growled, "How do you know about Ragna?"

"I'm working with a very powerful witch," Stefan answered, "She has the way to kill Ragna."

"You wouldn't dare," Klaus growled.

"But we would. Seems as if I hit a soft spot," Stefan said, "A little leverage on our part. But I also heard you had a little spat the other night. Bonnie said she was real upset, might even consider helping us out."

"She wouldn't," Klaus said softly, "Not to me."

"I don't know Klaus, she seemed rather eager."


"Ragna!" Klaus yelled. He stood his foyer looking around his empty house for any sign of her. "I'm done playing your sick and twisted hide-and-seek game. Time to come out!"

"What? Now you need me?" Ragna asked appearing on the landing at the top of the stairs. "Klaus Mikaelson needs his old pal Ragna?"

"Ragna, come now. I can't do anything without your permission, now?" Klaus smirked. "Jealous that much, love?"

Ragna chuckled, "Piss off. I'm not jealous."

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