Chapter 4: Suspicions and Space experiences!

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Quick authors note: Ok everyone I'm sorry that the chapter got released so late. School just happened to start and updating times will be late. I'm sorry again -.-

Oh and there won't be any picture for the chapter, I'll leave it now to your imagination c:<
Even though you tecnically imagine everything XD

Well, onto the story! Remember to comment and vote if you liked this chapter!

Morning's rising up on the Mushroom Kingdom and Bowser Valley...
What will this day bring?
Let's take a look at the Koopa Lounge, a hangout for all baddies, whether they work for Bowser or not...

"One Spicy Spiny Soda, please!" M. Para Koopa said to the bartender.
"Ok! One Spicy Spiny Soda, coming up!" The bartender replied and went to look for the order.
Soon after, a Goomba entered the place, and sat next to M. Para Koopa.
"Checking what's on the bar, I see?" The goomba said to M. Para Koopa and chuckled.
"Yep. What's up, Gooms?" M. Para Koopa replied back.
"Not much, just in my free time, and besides, where were you yesterday? Goomfrey wanted to talk to ya." He asked M. Para Koopa.
After hearing the question, M. Para Koopa felt a little nervous, trying not to really remember what he did.
"Uhh.... Me? Well... I was at an important meeting!"
"True? Where?" Gooms asked back.
"Well, on Bowser's Castle of course!" M. Para Koopa replied.
"Huh... That's strange... Bowser always announces those meetings! He always makes sure no one misses 'em!" Gooms said puzzled.
"Oh... Then... Uhh..." M. Para Koopa started sweating, trying to make up a more believable excuse.
"Heh! Don't worry! Maybe it was a little stressful. I'll ask Koopa then!" Gooms replied happily and jumped out of the seat. "I'll see ya around then!"
"Ok!" M. Para Koopa waved at him. "Well, at least Koopa doesn't know what happened. He only kicked me there." He thought and looked at the bartender, who had the drink he asked for earlier.

Meanwhile, Yoshi just woke up, ready for another day, with a few plans for the day in mind.

"Ok... I guess I can go to space again, now that I have a Launch Star in my backyard!" Yoshi said to himself, looking at the backyard through a window.
"I better not tell anybody about this." He thought, and went to check his mail outside.
While outside, Mario and Luigi passed by on their Red Fire, ready for a race.
"Heyo Yosh!" Mario called as he stopped in front of Yoshi.
"Oh Hi Mario! What's up?" Yoshi said.
"Eh... Not much. We're just heading over to Mushroom Bridge for a race! Wanna come?" Mario asked.
"No thanks. I got to do some stuff :P" Yoshi replied and kept checking his mailbox.
"Huh? What can be more important than Double Dash!!" Luigi said in surprise.
"Well, lots of stuff, but however, maybe you're a bit obsessed with DD :P" Mario said. "So, what are your plans for today, Yoshi?" He asked again.
"Not much, just gonna go to spa- I MEAN!! Uhh.... I'm gonna go to Warp Zone Mall to see the latest Nintendo console!" Yoshi said nervous, aware of what he was going to say.
"Uhh... Okey?..." Mario and Luigi looked skeptically at Yoshi.
"Yeah..." Yoshi said.
"Well, Ok then!" Mario agreed. "We better be going. Have fun there!" And as soon as he finished, he dashed off in the empty Toad Town streets.
"Wow... That was a close one." Yoshi sighed and went back to close the mailbox, when he felt poking from behind.
"Uhh... Hello?" Yoshi turned back and saw Toad. "Oh hey Toad!"
"Heyo Yoshi! Wazzup?" Toad said enthutiascally.
"Not much, just checking my mail. Yoshi replied.
"Noice." Toad said conformed. "I'm just here, bored as heck!"
"Heh, come to think about it, me too!" Yoshi agreed as he looked at his backyard.
"Hmm... How about... We do a picnic! In your backyard! It's cozy in there c:" Toad said and walked to the backyard of Yoshi's house.
Yoshi stood there for a second and then remembered. "Oh shoot! My Launch Star! I better act quick!" He thought and yelled at Toad. "Wait!! Don't go there!"
"Why not?" Toad asked and kept walking. "Heh... I see some orange glow..."
"Oh no!! Please!! Don't go there!!!" Yoshi pleaded.
Toad, annoyed, turned to look at Yoshi. "Why not?! It's the perfect place!"
"I warn you, don't." Yoshi warned Toad, to no avail.
"Well, I'm going in anyway!" Toad said and kept walking.
Wanting to avoid his secret been discovered, Yoshi thought what to do, but anger clouded his thoughts.
"Don't take another step!!" Yoshi yelled in anger as his eyes flashed red.
"What if I do?! Bowser's gonna eat me? Wow!" Toad said as he was ready to take the turn that lead to the backyard.
"I SAID DON'T!!!!" Yoshi roared and lunged at Toad, within seconds he had Toad clutched to the ground with his hands and feet.
"OW! What the heck man?!" Toad tried to look at Yoshi, who now had red aura around him.
"Listen here you mushroom headed pip-squeak! If you dare to do that again, or even reach my backyard, I'll be dining Toad Stew tonight!!!" Yoshi threatened Toad, not letting him go.
"Ok ok! I-i won't do it again! Sorry!" Toad muttered in fear.
"That better be!! Now scram!!!" Yoshi yelled, and flunged Toad to the road.
"Ouch!!" Toad winced as he hit facefirst the asphalt.
Yoshi walked to the side, clutching his head with his hands.
"Oh darn..." Yoshi said weakly as the aura faded away, and his eyes returned to normal.
Toad walked to the side and looked at Yoshi.
"Looks like anger took over you again." He said while wiping dust off his vest.
"Yep... I told you not to go there... Ouch..." Yoshi said, rubbing his head.
"Okay dude, gee. I'll leave ya alone for a bit. See ya around!" Toad said and walked away.
"Ok..." Yoshi said while staring at the road on the middle, scratched by Toad's crash landing.
"Maybe if I go to space I'll calm down." Yoshi said to himself, and went to his Launch Star.

Back at Bowser Valley, M. Para Koopa walked alone through the dark and damp Gray Wood Forest...

"Oh well, what to do next!" M. Para Koopa asked himself, until something zoomed at him and brought him down to the ground.
"Ouch! What the heck?!" M. Para Koopa groaned as he stood up, and saw the figure that hit him.
"Oh... You."
"Yeah! YOU! I may say!!" Koopa yelled at M. Para Koopa.
"How in the world you returned back in this dastardly place!!"
"Well, someone helped me!" M. Para Koopa answered and stood still.
"Oh shoot."
"What? Who helped you?!" Koopa asked M. Para Koopa, staring angrily at him.
"Well... Uh... Uhh... Is my sister believable?" M. Para Koopa blurted out, trying a good excuse.
".... Okeey... I rather be doing another thing..." Koopa said suspiciously and slowly walked away.
"But I'm not done with you!!" He yelled and walked away.
"Well, that was lucky!" M. Para Koopa chuckled and kept walking.
"How about I go to space for a bit? ^^"

Back at the Mushroom Kingdom, Yoshi was only sitting on his backyard, pondering random thoughts...

"Oh well... There's nothing really interesting around... I guess I can leave for a bit! After all, no one but M. Para Koopa knows about this." Yoshi said to himself and went to the Launch Star, flinging himself to space.
Not too long after, M. Para Koopa entered the backyard carefully, and saw the blue outline that is left when someone uses a Launch Star.
"Hmm... Eh... I'll go anyway." He thought and did the same as Yoshi, flying into space.

Now we zoom in to the vastness of space, in Space Junk Galaxy, to be exact. Yoshi's chatting with the Toad Brigade, which he freed from crystals.

"Thanks for the help, Yoshi!" Blue Toad gratefully thanked Yoshi.
"Heh, no problem!" Yoshi replied back.
A red Starshroom slowly parked itself near the tower planet Yoshi and the Toads were in.
Yoshi jumped to the Starshroom to see Toad.
"Oh Hey Toad!" Yoshi said.
"Oh!!! Hi Mario- Wait, Yoshi?" Toad became confused as Mario wasn't the one who he saw.
"Uhh... Whuzzat? What are you doing here?"
"Eh, not much, just trying to reach a Star." Yoshi said back.
"Oh... If that's the case, there's a shortcut up the Starshroom!" Toad pointed at the top of the ship.
"Ok! Thanks!" Yoshi thanked Toad and took the Sling Star at the top, which lead him to the Space Junk area.
"Ok, this is the final stretch. Let's a go!" Yoshi confidently said to himself and went to get the Silver Stars.

It was a matter of time to get the silver stars, and when 5 minutes passed, Yoshi was almost done.

"Yee! I got four! Let's get the last one!" Yoshi said to himself and walked and jumped to the platforms, which appeared and dissapeared, depending on distance.
He wanted to clear already the place, so he started dashing.
Everything went fine until he seemed to slip.
"Woah woahh!!!" Yoshi yelled as he tried to keep balanced, and turned to a side.
"Wow... That was a close one." He said in relief as he looked at the stars on the background, that seemed to get somewhat closer to him.
"Wow... Am I seeing things?" He questioned himself, and then felt that he was being dragged somewhere.
"Hey... Where am I heading..." He looked forward and then he realized.

"Oh no...

I'm... I'm...

I'm falling towards a Black hole!!!!!"


Dun dun dunnnnnn!!!!!

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