Chapter 12: Interrogating The Friends

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8:00 P.M. Toad Plaza.
Police reported a call for help in said street.

"Somebody get the Mario Brothers!! Quick! Yoshi's in trouble!" Toad yelled, as the Mario Bros. Arrived in the scene.
"We came here as fast as we could!" Mario said, panting.
"Why is the Police and the Bio Hazard unit surrounding Yoshi's House?!" Luigi asked.
"It's terrible!! I heard an explosion at Yoshi's, and it was a poisonous Bob-Omb! There's no way to enter his house safely!" Toad said, panicking.
"My god... Haven't seen one of those in ages! We have to save Yoshi!" Mario said, and went over to one of the Toads of the Bio Hazard Unit, and asked for 2 gas masks.
"What are we going to do Mario?!" Luigi said, attempting to open the door.
"Don't do that! We're breaking in from a window! We can't let the poison get out!" Mario explained. "Go get your Poltergust, quick!"
Within minutes, Mario and Luigi broke in the house, with gas masks on. Luigi started sucking the gas with the Poltergust so it would be safer.
They headed to the living room, where Yoshi and M. Para Koopa were on the ground, fainted.
"Wait, who's this guy?!" Luigi asked and pointed to M. Para Koopa.
"I don't... Know... But if he did this to Yoshi, I'll send him to Hazy Maze Cave to suffer!" Mario said angrily, and picked Yoshi's body.
"So you gonna leave him there?" Luigi said, scared.
".... No. I have to talk to him." Mario said, and went out the window, and left Yoshi on the ground.
1 minute later, all the gas was erradicated and M. Para Koopa was saved as well.
"Somebody help me get them to the ambulance!" Mario said, and various Toads helped him carry Yoshi and M. Para Koopa over to the ambulance.
Later, Peach had arrived with guards at her side.
"My lord, Mario! What happened?! I saw it all on TV!" Peach asked, scared.
"We don't know exactly, but for now I have a suspect!" Mario replied.
"It's a red Paratroopa, he was at Yoshi's side, fainted as well." Mario explained.
"Oh no! But why would they target Yoshi, and not you or Luigi?" Peach wondered.
"I don't know, but whoever did is going down to Hazy Maze Cave." Mario said as he gave the Gas mask to a Toad.
"Don't you think that's a little bit cruel?" Peach asked.
"And don't you think suffocating Yoshi in a locked place is not cruel?!" Mario yelled, furious.
"Well... Uhh... You got a point." Peach said.
"Well, I'll be leaving." Mario said, and left.
Luigi followed behind, scared, and Peach left as well.

Later, Yoshi had woken up, after all that happened

"Ugh... What... What happened?" Yoshi asked and coughed.
"I could ask the same... Thing..." M. Para Koopa said, as he woke up.
"Hey, where are we?" Yoshi said. "We're... On a hospital?"
"That's what it seems..." M. Para Koopa replied.
"Doctor, they have woken up! Doctor!" A nurse yelled at the door of the room they were in.
"I'm coming!" Doctor Richard Shroom said, and entered the room.
"So, you must be Yoshi and M. Para Koopa." the doctor said.
"Yes... Why are we here?" Yoshi asked.
"Well, it appears that both of you were poisoned by toxic gas, in a locked place, and that, almost killed you." Richard explained.
"O-oh... Darn..." M. Para Koopa stuttered, scared.
"Oh... Yeah... We got sent poisonous Bob-Ombs by Mail, and we didn't react in time..." Yoshi said.
"Well, not to worry, you are fine, we managed to heal you. But it was difficult, because you were a lot of time in there." Richard replied.
At the waiting room, an angry Mario and worried Luigi, Peach and Pink Yoshi sat.
"I swear, I'll get my hands on that Koopa, and I'll kill him!!" Mario yelled.
"Calm down Mario! What if he didn't do it?!" Peach said.
"Yeah, I don't think Bowser trains his troops to go on such suicidal missions. He's not that bad." Luigi suggested.
"I agree. Besides, there are good Koopas out there! He may be one of them!" Pink Yoshi added.
"Well, you could be right... But still!" Mario said.
"Hey people, got news for ya!" Doctor Richard said as he approached the gang.
"You do? How's Yoshi?" Mario asked.
"Thankfully, he's okay. The exposure to the toxic gas was enough to kill him and his friend, though." Richard answered.
"Oh, thank goodness... Wait." Mario and the rest sighed in relief but stopped suddenly, especially Mario.
"Friend? What do you mean?!" Mario said, standing up, but Luigi pulled him down.
"Yeah, he was not the only one that could of died. His friend, M. Para Koopa was there as well." Richard said.
"Huh! Friend! Excuses!! Are they fine to go now?!" Mario said, angry.
"Yep! I just advise to be careful, the next time they encounter toxic gas may not be the same..." Richard said, and left to get Yoshi and M. Para Koopa.
Minutes later, Yoshi and M. Para Koopa accompanied the doctor to the waiting room.
"Oh Yoshi! You're fine!!" Mario said, and hugged Yoshi.
"Yeah! Luckily! It's good to see you guys!" Yoshi said, hugging Mario as well.
Everybody gathered around Yoshi and M. Para Koopa.
"Glad to see you back!" Luigi said happily.
"Hello! We were worried!" Peach added.
"Hi Yosh! I heard about what happened, and had to come here fast." Pink Yoshi said.
"Oh! Hi.. Pink... Heh... Yeah... I almost died..." Yoshi said, and lightly blushed.
"Well, we can go now!" Mario said, but looked at M. Para Koopa.
Everything went silent all of a sudden.
"You!!! Don't think you're free!!!" Mario said, and Double punched M. Para Koopa.
"Ow!! What the heck!!!" M. Para Koopa said, rubbing his arm.
"Mario! What are you doing?!" Luigi said.
"I have business with this Koopa! You guys can leave!!" Mario yelled, grabbed M. Para Koopa by a Wing, and flung him to a pillar, knocking him out.
"What in the world Mario!!!" He's my friend!! He has gone through enough already!" Yoshi said.
"That's what he wants you to think!!" Mario said pointing at Yoshi. He grabbed M. Para Koopa and dragged him away.
"...." Yoshi stood there, speechless.
"Don't try anything Yoshi. Mario has been wanting to have the deal with your 'friend', and stopping him wouldn't be a good idea." Luigi said.
"Ok..." Yoshi sighed, and left with the rest of the group.

M. Para Koopa had woken up, again, but this time, tied to a seat, in a dark room.

"Augh.... What... Did I get suffocated with that gas again?" He said.
Then, a bright light suddenly appeared, Mario half covering it.
"Ahh!! Oh... It's you... Mario." M. Para Koopa said.
"So, what's your business with Yoshi?! Wanting to kill him like this, Huh?!" Mario said, and sprayed toxic gas in M. Para Koopa's face.
"AHH NO NO NO NO!" M. Para Koopa screamed and attempted to escape.
"Heh Heh... If you don't answer my questions, you'll be sprayed more often." Mario stated.
"Ok! What do you want to ask me?" M. Para Koopa said.
"Well.... Who sent you?" Mario asked.
"Who... Sent me?" M. Para Koopa said.
"Yeah! Who sent you to befriend Yoshi, so you could then spy on us and get rid of everything?!" Mario yelled.
"Uhh no one?!" M. Para Koopa said.
"... I won't get closer with that." Mario thought out loud. "Tell me, how did you meet Yoshi?"
"... I can't tell that." M. Para Koopa answered.
"Of course! You're trying to hide as much as possible!" Mario said, and approached M. Para Koopa. "Not gonna happen any longer."
"Wha- Just- Wait!! Why don't you ask Yoshi himself! He knows more than me and he has his version of the poisoning! Although it doesn't change much." M. Para Koopa explained.
"Well, at least can you state me something for sure, that I can believe?" Mario asked.
"Ok. I am a Paratroopa in the run, I'm being hunted down along with Yoshi. Me and Yoshi are friends. Will you believe that." M. Para Koopa stated.
".... Ok. Just let yourself know that you have earned a new enemy. And if I see you near me, Yoshi, Peach's Castle or Peach herself you won't be getting alive next time. Outta my sight!" Mario yelled, and M. Para Koopa left.
"So how did it go Mario? Managed to get something out of him?
"Sort of... He assured me he was 'a Paratroopa on the run'." Mario said.
"Oh..." Luigi sighed.
"But he said that I should go ask Yoshi, so I'll see what's up." Mario said, and left.

Later, he headed over to Yoshi's House, to ask him some questions.

"Ok, so I already know the poison part, now, I came here for another thing." Mario said.
"What thing?" Yoshi asked.
"Is that Paratroopa alongside you your friend?! If so, how did you meet him!" Mario asked yelling.
"Yes, he is my friend, and I cannot tell you how. It's a secret." Yoshi said.
"Ugh! The same thing your 'friend' said! And you don't learn, huh?!" Mario said.
Yoshi started to get angry.
"Just so you know, he's one of the few good Koopa's that there are! Now, screw the rest! Get out!" Yoshi said, and kicked Mario out.
"Ow! Ok..." Mario said, and left.

Hey hey hey! Another chapter, following what happened last one! :o
Sorry if this is starting to get out from the Galaxy, It'll come back soon! :)
Hope you liked it!
See ya next chapter!

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