Chapter 10: A Galactic Finale!!

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Last chapter, Yoshi was doing his usual stuff, until M. Para Koopa crashed on his backyard, with terrible news.
Yoshi offered help, but the winged Koopa refused, and left, only to be chased to Bowser's Castle.
Now, his fate is inminent, as Kamek has finally found out about everything.
Let's see what will happen next...

Bowser sat, in his throne room, staring at the door, expecting something to come through it.
And soon enough, Kamek entered, grabbing an unconscious M. Para Koopa by his wings.
"Your majesty, the traitor we have been talking about since last month's meeting didn't take long to capture." Kamek said.
"Nice..." Bowser said.
Kamek roughly flung M. Para Koopa towards Bowser, so he could see better.
"Well, well, well... This is the troop that has been disobeying the great Koopa King, let alone the entire Kingdom..." Bowser said while looking at him.
"Well, you need him for something or other thing?" Kamek asked.
"Nah... Not really. However, you may go to the Galaxy Generator, as I have located a Black Hole nearby that you can use, well, you know. Heh heh heh...." Bowser said as he grinned.
"Ah, I see. Well, do you desire to watch?" Kamek asked.
"No, don't worry, I'll see it through satellite! Bwah ha ha!!!" Bowser laughed, and left the room.
"Well, I'll go ahead." Kamek said, he grabbed M. Para Koopa and in seconds, both disappeared.

Back at Yoshi's house, Yoshi and Toad were playing Super Mario Galaxy, as usual.

"I'll reach the star there!" Yoshi said while manning Mario.
"I'll catch some star bits then, we haven't got them all yet!" Toad added.
Then, while playing, a paper airplane came flying down Toad Plaza and crashed on the house window.
"Huh?" Yoshi noticed the plane as the TV screen went dark and reflected it.
"What is it?"
"A paper airplane crashed in the window, outside! Let's see!" Yoshi explained and went outside, with Toad following.
When outside, they saw the plane, and Yoshi grabbed it.
"What important is a paper plane?" Toad asked.
"Hmm... It's a letter?!" Yoshi said surprised as he unfolded the plane.
"What does it say?!" Toad exclaimed.
"Let's see..." Yoshi said, and started reading.

To Yoshi
If youre reading this, then thats good!!
I am in serious trouble!!
Kamek and apparently Bowser know that I'm friends with you so I am being taken somewhere to be killed!
-Your friend if you consider, M. Para Koop_______----_-_-_____!

"What is it bud?!" Toad asked.
"...." Yoshi stood silent, and an angry expression formed in his face, as his eyes/pupils (it's actually the pupils, I just don't write it 😅) went red.
"Yoshi... You okay? You're scaring me..." Toad said.
Yoshi didn't respond, and simply clutched the letter in hand as he headed off to his backyard.
"Wow, he okay Toad?" Luigi said, who was passing by.
"I don't know dude, but it seems that he's angry!" Toad said.

In the backyard, Yoshi saw his hammer (Paper Mario :p) and the Power Star that M. Para Koopa had retrieved when he was in trouble.
"I may need both." Yoshi said.
"Well, you saved me 2 times, and it wouldn't be good to leave you after that..." He thought, and grabbed the hammer and Power Star, and headed off in the Launch Star.

{Imagine Yoshi as described above flying to the Comet Observatory while listening to this ;)}

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