A New Season

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"R.I.P Ma" Johni whispered before she downed another shot. We sat in a sports bar a few blocks down from the arena. The sports bar had the game on the TV and we could see all the commotion still going on there. I stared at the TV while Johni drank. I watched the paramedics wheel Cash out on a stretcher. It burned my chest to see her go out like that.

"R.I.P Mama Swin" I said downing my shot too. I'm not supposed to be drinking. But this was an Exception

Soon ESPN switched the live cameras to another game that was going on. I turned to Johni, she had her head now rested on the counter. I rubbed her back and she looked up at me.

"It's going to be okay" I smiled through that lie I didn't even believe.

"I know Alexis, I just don't want to think about it anymore. How have you been? How's the team?" she asked changing the subject.

"I'm doing fine actually, I'm at my prime" I cheesed. "The team is doing well too. It's different without you, but we have all gotten used to it."

Johni chuckled. "How is coach taking it?"

"Mane she is stressed. Every game she prays twice on the bus and once in the locker room, I don't think she is as confident as she was when you was playing. She asked me to be captain. But I refused"

"What why!?" Johni frowned at me.

"I just can't take on that much responsibility. I'm not ready" I admitted.

"You know that I was captain my sophomore year" Johni smirked.

"I don't give a damn, I'm not you. Kiara is captain now and don't nobody listen to her."

"She is too nice that's why" Johni chuckled.

"Fall is coming around quickly and it's been a whole bunch of freshman's floating around campus."

"Any of them can play?" Johni asked.

"I haven't meet any ballers yet. But I doubt it." I chuckled. "They all look measly"

Johni started laughing. "You was kinda skinny yah self now Alexis" she joked. I rolled my eyes but didn't comment on her slick insult, I was just happy to see her laughing and not crying anymore.


Johni convinced me to stay at a hotel for the remainder of the night. A hotel that she paid for of course cause shit still kinda low over here. I called her this morning, to let her know I was heading home, it went straight to voicemail. The ride back to FSU was sad and lonely.

Swin's purse and blanket still sat in the passenger seat of my car. Every few minutes I caught myself staring at them, and then I would start crying. Swin wasn't my mother but in just the short period of time that I knew her she treated me better than my mother ever did. I could call her at all times of the night and she would be so happy to hear from me. She treated me like I was her own and I really appreciated that. Now she is gone. The good ones always go first.

Damnit God! Couldn't you wait a little longer!?


Probably not.

Rest in Peace Swintayla Marie,


I walked down the hallway to my dorm, I had to get ready for practice which started about 10 minutes ago, I know I'm about to hear it from coach but I really don't care at this point. I stood in front of my dorm door, and started to go through my bag, looking for my key. But then I realized that my door was open.

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