Love More

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Walking out of Kanae's hospital room, I spotted Coach Patterson in the main waiting area on the phone. Mindlessly I stood there and watched her whole conversation. The moments when you space and don't realize that your doing something are the very moments that people want to acknowledge your existence.

"Goodman? Is there something you need?" Coach asked me as she slid her phone into the right pocket of her stripped navy and white pants suit. I didn't realize that she had ended her call.

"Um... Not really."

She nodded and sat in one of the 8 empty chairs. I sat next to her. For exactly 2 minutes we stared at the clock that hung from a nail in the wall directly in front of us.

"You do know I didn't have anything to do with what Johni said to you today right?" I finally broke the silence.

"I know."

I turned my head to look at her. "Then why did you come at me about it during the game."

"I needed to be sure that you didn't know about it at all. Your reaction confirmed that"

I slowly nodded before fixing my gaze once again on the ticking clock.

"Congratulations on the win today, I hear you played a very competitive game, despite all drama that took place." Coach paid me praises.

"I did my job, and so did the rest of the team. We have to be able to separate heart from mind - personal from the business." I shrugged. I don't feel like today's game was one to be celebrated or applauded. We could have lost a player today.

"Did you learn that from Mrs. Miller?" Coach asked.

Naturally, my brows knitted with confusion. "Huh?"

"Associating Basketball with being a business or a Job. Johni used to say that all the time, she didn't apply it often but it was mentioned frequently. I assumed she picked it up from her mother, and I know before her passing you spent a lot of time with Cash." Coach elaborated.

Again I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I could have heard her say it before. Mama Swin always gave me really good advice and words of wisdom."

Coach responded with silence. You could tell she had a lot on her mind, probably dealing with all the paperwork she is going to have to fill out because of Kanae's accident.

"I should go check on Kanae." She stood. I looked up at her and nodded.

As coach walked away from my phone vibrated in the pocket of my gym pants. I pulled it out and watched Janelle's contact information display on my screen.

"I am starving" Someone flopped down in the chair next to me. I looked away from my ringing phone and gave my attention to Kiara.

"I went to the vending machines just to look at the snacks. I was window shopping because no one had cash on them." She complained.

"Now that you mention it; I am hungry" I sighed realizing that none of us have eaten since we left the hotel this afternoon.

"Hopefully Nae gets discharged soon, so we can go out to eat or something."

By now my phone had stopped vibrating from Johni's attempt to call me. I looked down at it waiting for the voicemail notification to pop up. Janelle is good for leaving me voicemails.

This time that wasn't what I got. Instead, I received a text.

Headaches🤦🏽‍♀️🥰:Come outside. I'm waiting...

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