11- The Shed

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(Y/N) POV~~

Kenny snuck me into the school shed. We were standing right in the middle. My arms around his neck with me trying to tip toe just a little so I could rest my head on his shoulder. One of his arms were around my torso and his other hand was rubbing the back my head, I was whimpering.

"(Y/N)... Why are you crying?" Kenny kept asking. I just didn't want to tell... I kept whimpering. "I don't want to say it..."

He stopped rubbing my head, and with the same hand he lifted my chin up to him. "(Y/N)... I won't judge you for it. I'm here to help you, not make fun of you." I shook my head. "It's not that... I don't want you get offen-" he leaned in a little more and lifted my chin slightly again. "I'm not going to be offended. Did you not like what we did?" He smiled.

"I liked it... I'm just... Embarrassed..."

"Embarrassed? How so?"

"I'm not embarrassed about you... Just so you know. I'm actually proud I did it with you... Just embarrassed that I did it."

"Oh... That's why you're crying? Don't worry. Nobody is going to judge you here. Nobody cares-"

I interrupted him by my whisper, "I didn't want Clyde to know..." Kenny gasped out a little. He leaned in a little bit, "Do you like Clyde?" He whispered firmly.

I stared into his blue eyes. "I just didn't want him to know. I don't like him like that-"

"Do you like anybody?"


"I know, it's me."


I was interrupted by his lips softly colliding with mine. It didn't last very long. He broke it. He was staring into my eyes as I stare back into his. He caressed my cheek and smiled at me. "You are something different..." He whispered. Different...? "From what?" I questioned. He chuckled. "From all the other girls..."

That didn't answer my question entirely... "I mean... How? I hung out with them the other day, they seem fine to me-"

"They're fake. They use each other for what they want. I've been used a couple times too."

"For what?"

"Two things usually: Taking my virginity, and trying to take my god damn chair."

What...? Taking his chair? Like in a classroom?

"Taking your chair?" I question.

"In band class, I'm first chair, meaning I'm the best in my section."

"Oh!! What instrument?"

His face went completely emotionless. "Are you meaning to tell me that we had sex, and you don't know what God damn instrument I play?"


He never mentioned he played an instrument...

"(Y/N), I'm sorry but that's kind of pathetic." He sighed. I gasped in offense, "You never told me!" I yell. He put his hand down to my torso, now both hands lye comfortably there. He chuckled, "Yeah, but I thought you would have heard it from somebody by now. I'm pretty good actually."

"What instrument do you play?"

Kenny looked to the side. "I don't want to say it. You will laugh."

Laugh? The fuck does he play? An ocarina?

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to laugh because of the instrument you play."

"That's not the point. I'm first chair, and Wendy is second. I already know Wendy is not interested in my friendship, she always ignores me in the hallways and every where else. She is not interested in me, but she is interested in my chair. Every time we have a chair test, all of the sudden she starts acting like we are best friends, and then tell me something upsetting, trying to get me to screw up my test or something."

South Park x Reader: I'm a heart breaker - Kenny Was My First. (#1)Where stories live. Discover now