DateTime or FaceTime

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Hi everyone I hope you are all enjoying this book so far, I know for sure I love writing it! I have so many ideas for the next few chapters!

I can't actually believe what I am hearing, Harry kind off just asked me out on a date. In a very strange way but he did. My first thought is to text or call 'Ana' and my mum to let them know, but first I should probably reply to his question rather than leaving him hanging.

"What?" I say and look at his face and he takes my hand in his, "would you ever go on a.." He continues to say and I stop him by saying. "I heard what you said, I just wanted to make sure I heard right!" I tell him and he smiles as do I, "I would love too but first I need to FaceTime my mum." I say and he laughs and takes his hand out of mine and takes his phone out of his pocket and places it in my hand, "okay then, type in your mums number and we can FaceTime her now?"

I take Harry's phone and I type in my mums number and then wait for her to accept the video call, the only thing is she doesn't know who's number is calling her. She doesn't answer the first three times we try but after I sent her a quick text on my phone, she accepted the video call (finally).

FaceTime between Lily, Harry and Isabelle (Lily's mum):

L- Hii mum!!!

I- Hi sweetie why are you face timing me on Harry's phone?

L- He wanted to say hi

I- I can't see him, where are you hiding him Lil?

L- He's right beside me.

I- Be a dear a put him on please?

L- Okay, Harry mums a bit new with this new technology haha! Bear with us all.

H- good afternoon Mrs Sparks

L- aren't you a gentlemen Harry, you can call me Isabelle!

H- hello Isabelle!

L- so mum you have seen Harry, I just wanted to let you know I'll be back home for my lessons on Monday!

I- okay sweeties, make sure you don't miss them!

H- don't worry Mrs Spaa... I mean Isabelle, I will have your daughter back home by Sunday night!

L- see mum I am in safe hands

I- I certainly hope so, enjoy yourself and I'll see you in less than 24 hours. Good night you two

L+H- Bye Bye

End of FaceTime

I click the Red Cross button to end the video call and I hand Harry his phone back. "How'd you find it?" I ask him, it must have been strange to FaceTime with my mum, she can be quite hard to deal with some times but I am so used to it now. It's just normal to me but to him, it's probably quite crazy and scary, but then again she wasn't acting any crazier than usual. "Your mum is lovely, I can see where you get it from!" He says, I laugh a little and slap my hand gently across his arm, "shut up!" I say and he pretends to shut his mouth and hands over the key to me.

"What time are we going home tomorrow?" I ask him but he doesn't reply, so I look at him remembering that he can't talk till I hand the key back (hehehe) so I do just that and he finally replies. "Whenever you want but we have to be back for night time as promised to your mum."

Night time

"Thanks for being here for me Harry, I can't believe after these few weeks my dad texts me out of the blue, to tell me that my mum and him are getting divorced and that he is going to be a dad again. Not only is he basically saying he isn't a dad to me but to Jason also." I say with my face buried into his chest, where I have been for the past few hours that it is now dark outside. "Lily please don't cry and don't ever thank me for being by your side through times like this, I am here for you because I..." Harry starts to say and I can just see where this is leading too but it's just too early for me to hear those words and this isn't the right moment either. He stops talking and just holds me tighter, I can feel his breath against my neck and I can hear his heartbeat. If he told me that 'he loved me' I would have cried even more, because we aren't dating or anything like that. We are just good friends and well I don't really know what the future holds.
"Harry for what it's worth, thank you!" I say and he kisses my forehead, "your welcome, do you want me to go?" He asks and I shake my head and lay my head back on his chest. I don't want to be alone right now, Harry being here makes me feel safe, he makes me feel good and happy even in these dark moments in my life. But now I can say we shared these moments also, although they aren't happy. "Okay I will stay, I'll sleep on the floor but I'll stay here until you fall asleep!" He replies.

I try my best not to fall asleep because I don't want this moment to end, I don't want him to stop holding me at least not now or any minute now and I don't want him to leave me alone tonight. But my eyes keep getting heavier and heavier, making it impossible not to fall asleep.

The next day...

I wake up to him snoring, he must of fallen asleep last night because he is still here: holding me. I look over to the alarm clock to see what time it is, and from what I can see without my glasses on - I think it says half past nine. I gently shake Harry to wake him up, my shaking isn't doing anything so I take push his  arm off of me which remarkably wakes him up, "good morning L" he says as he rubs his eyes from sleep. "Good morning Harry!" I reply and try to get up from the bed but he pushes me back down and cuddles me, "I hope you don't mind that I fell asleep on your bed?" Harry says.

"I don't mind, it was nice. So what time are we leaving today?" I ask him, because today is Sunday and I have to be back in England tonight so tomorrow I can go to my classes, I wish I didn't have too but I can't afford to miss any classes especially this close to graduation and the end of year show. "In an hour?" He asks and I nod my head and I finally make me way out of bed as does he and I basically race him to the toilet, i really need the toilet but I am guessing he does too. Harry races me to the bathroom and he gets in there before me and closes the door, "Harry please I need to change my pad!!!" I scream and he quickly opens the door, "whhhat, why didn't you say so!!!" He says and moves out of the bathroom and let's me in. I then shut the door in his face and shout, "I was just kidding but thanks!"

I never thought that having periods would be an advantage even when I'm not on it but I thought wrong. Harry must be used too having to live with the time of the month, especially with being the only boy in the house. Growing up with two women in the house, his mum and sister.

After I have finished in the toilet I come out and back into the bedroom and I see Harry packing my things into my suitcases, "Harry you don't have too!" I say and he jumps, he probably didn't hear me come out of the bathroom. "Jeez you scared me, I didn't see you. My stuffs already packed and I just wanted to help, we don't have long till our flight and I know girls normally take long to get ready!" He says and I hug him, I find him so cute sometimes.

"Thank you! So do you have any details regarding to this date, we have yet to go on?" I say and he grins and closes my suitcase, "I have something planned don't you worry, but more importantly, why haven't you been filming anything for your YouTube channel?" He says. "Well we need to do a video together next week, what do you say?" I reply and he nods.

I kind off miss having my camera in my hand almost 24/7, talking to the lens about my day and sharing my days with my fans or even sitting down in my bedroom or living room filming challenges, tutorials and other videos. I haven't uploaded anything since the concert which was two days ago and I normally like to upload a video every two days or two videos a week. Depending on how busy I am that week, I have tweeted my fans about why I haven't uploaded anything yet and I also tweeted that I have a special guest coming on my channel for this weeks special.

Yet there is something on my mind that has been bugging me since this morning but I have tried my best to hide it, till now. "Harry will you come inside my house tonight I am pretty sure my mum will ask you in, once we land back in England?" I ask him. I know my mum will want to meet him and will probably ask him once he takes me home, so I thought it was better I asked now. "I would love too, that can be our 0.0 date, or like the trial before the real thing" he says and I laugh, only Harry could come up with these bizarre things, sometime I wonder if his dictionary is different than everyone else's and then I remember he left school at 16 years old.

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