2. Idris

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The city of Alicante itself was a beautiful sight. All the buildings made of glass, no wonder people called it the City of Glass. Lena loved this place, but she herself has always longed for adventure. To see all the world around her instead of just being stuck in Idris.
Well as often as her tardiness to training, Lena also became side tracked and rab into a fellow Shadowhunter.
"I'm so sorry!" Lena said apologetically.
"No, you're fine," the woman said with humor in her voice. She then stood back up and removed her hood. This woman that stood before Lena was very beautiful; she had long red hair and bright green eyes.
"My name is Clary Herondale, what is your name?" The woman asked.
"Well my actual name is Veronica," Lena said. "The people from my Institute gave me the nickname Lena when I was first brought to them."
"Well it's nice to meet you Lena," Clary said. "Do you're parents live there as well?"
"No," Lena replied. "I never knew my biologal parents. I have been here at this place since I was a toddler." Some sort of bad memory seemed to flash before Clary's eyes, because just for an instant Lena noticed a spark of pain was noticeable.
"Clary, the portal is ready to take us to New York." A blonde man announced as he walked up beside Clary. The man looked prepared for battle as he was dressed on his full fighting gear.
"Clary who is this girl you're talking to?"
"Well," she started. " Her name is Lena and she ran into me out here." The man comtinued to stare at the girl for a few more moments before walking to the portal and waiting for Clary.
"Well Lena it was nice to meet you," Clary said. "Maybe we will meet again."
"Hopefully," Lena said as Clary left towards the portal. Lena herself went the opposite way towards the outside of the city and into the forests of Idris. It has always been a place of relaxation for her. Before she could het very far into the forest, she had collasped onto the ground and was last seen with a hooded figure carryimg her unconscious body theough a portal.

"I felt something about thag girl," the man finally said. "Something very familiar."
"I did too," Clary said. "But we can't assume anything."
"I'm not assuming anything Clary, I know for sure. Did you see how that girl looked? I know it's her and this is the same place we sent Izzy."
"Jace the boy wasn't with her," Clary said then sighed. "Jace I know you miss them and I do too, but who knows where they could be? One day we will be a family.
"I don't just miss them Clary," he replied. "It's the decision that always haunts me. The one I regret. Eleven years of pain."
"Please forgive us for making a decision to save your life my son and daughter," Jace thought before he joined his wife in New York.

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