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"F-Few more days?!"

"I'm sorry."

"Preston. You're not going to die. You are NOT GOING TO LEAVE ME ALONE HERE!"

"Connor, please."

"I don't want you to die."

"They said there's a medicine that could painlessly kill me before the cancer does."



"Preston, you are not going to leave me. I have no one but you!"

Her purple hair was a mess, like an ocean of purple waves on top of her head. Her big brown eyes, the ones I fell in love with the second I saw her, tears spilling and rolling down her cheeks. Endless sobs escaping her thin lips, her skin sickly pale but not as pale as mine.

"I never had the cou-," my lungs seemed to collapse.

Mum was right, cigarette are bad.

Violently coughing, my vision blurred as I fell. My lungs felt heavy, almost like bricks. It's like I could almost feel the cancer cells ripping my lungs to shreds, every cough like a cry for help. The smoke that once filled my lungs and made me feel better had betrayed me months ago, now leaving its mark on me. The ash trays I'd hide from Mum always taunted me with it's ash piled high, reminding me of how many times I'd smoke each day just to distract myself from the world.

I should have never listened to the box, filled with poisonous cigarettes that promised it'd feel good. The calm feeling that would wash over my body with every inhale, but the feeling of slicing my lung open with every exhale. I convinced myself it was nothing, that I wouldn't get sick like Mum would say.

As I gasped for breath, my trembling body on the ground, I managed to shout out a few words, cursing at my stupidity. Staring up at the ceiling, I started feeling lightheaded as air finally flowed through my lungs. Each swift breath felt so good, but when I exhaled it felt like someone pushing the dagger of cancer deeper into my chest.

"Preston?! You okay?!" Connor cried.

"I never had the courage to tell you." I whispered, still staring at the ceiling.

"Tell me what?! Preston are you alright?!"

I wanted to tell her. If my breaths are limited, I have to tell her before I run out.

"I-I love you."

"I love you too, Preston. You're like my older brother."

Older brother.

"No. I love you. Like, love love you."

At this point, I was laying on the floor, staring up at her. She was now as red as a tomato, redder if possible. Her brown eyes wide, she stared down at me.


"I'm sorry." I cut her off, immediately feeling the embarrassment hit me like a sledgehammer.

"No, it's okay."

"I just never had the courage to say it, and I thought since I was basically going to die in a matter of da-"


"Connor, would do me a favor?"


"Don't cry when I'm gone."


"Hey, babe! How are you?" Ms. Macie, my nurse.

"I'm fine. 2 hours clean."

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