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I tossed and turned in bed, the 27 cookies I ate giving me a stomach ache. I really shouldn't have eaten so many. I pulled the red and brown quilt over my head as the rain outside kept pouring.

Just as I felt like I was about to fall asleep, I heard a loud scream. I jumped up in bed and groaned.

I was just about to go to sleep!

I stood up and walked out the room, following what I think was crying. I walked up to a door covered in butterfly stickers and smiley face stickers. I was about to knock when Connor came running down the hall from her room and opening the door.

She rushed inside and closed the door behind her. I left, kind of confused by what was happening. I went back to the room I was in before and finally fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of ambulance sirens.

Shouting and crying echoed the house. I decided to stay in the room, scared of whatever was happening. I fell back asleep and ignored whatever happened.

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