Chapter 6

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Amelia's POV

I wake up falling to the ground. I groan as I force myself to get up. I grab onto the bed and pull my weight up. The sheets fall down with me. Once again I'm on the floor. I don't know why I'm so lazy to get up today.

"Are you okay?" Cameron asks " I heard you hit the ground pretty hard"

"Yeah I'm fine just help me up" I said. Cameron helps me up. Both of my legs were asleep. I fell back down to the ground this time hitting the floor really hard.

"Dude I told you to help my sister not keep letting her fall again you dimwit" Aaron said

"It's okay guys" I giggled getting up fully this time. Wow I need to start exercising more often. I go down to the kitchen. I grab myself a waffle that was on a plate. Probably Aaron's.

"Seriously" Aaron says grabbing another waffle and putting it in the toaster. I sit down on the chair enjoying my waffle. As I stare blankly at the table I start getting visions of last night. All the pain I felt. I couldn't remember anything yesterday but now it's all coming to me. Sammy and carter had thrown me in that cell. Locked me in their to die. Later on Nate came in. Asked a few questions which was kinda quiet I couldn't figure out what he was saying. I spat on his face. He got angry and cut my leg.  He wiped his face and looked at me. I kicked him in his private spot. He slapped me and stepped on my food and forced me to eat it.  Which I didn't so he starved me.

"Hey Amelia you ight?" Cameron asked bringing me back

"Oh yeah yeah" I say taking the last bite  of my waffle. Why am I all of a sudden getting my memory back. I get off the chair and go to the living room I flop down to the couch and turn on the tv. Cameron joins me. He picks up my legs and sits down then puts them down on his lap.

"You kinda spaced out a little in the kitchen and you looked terrified" he said "do you mind if I ask what where you thinking about?"

"I randomly got my memory back" I say

"They must of used compulsion" he said

"Compulsion?" I ask

"Yeah it's kinda a power vampires have to control people" he says "you can make the person you're compelling forget what just happen or you can ask it to do whatever you want"

"Okay you kinda sounded a little like ried" I giggled

"Who's Reid?" He asks straightening up

"He's from criminal minds" I giggle "my favorite tv show"

"Oh" he said turning his face to the tv. We stayed silent for a while. I heard someone shouting outside. What the hell. I get up and look out the window. A girl and a boy with their hands out babbling something I couldn't understand. Cameron and Aaron start screaming. I turn around to see them burning.

"The rings they're not working!" Aaron shouted

"Whoever is outside is doing this" Cameron says as he falls to the ground in pain. I freak out and run outside. I go to the girl and the guy.

"Hey whatever you're doing stop that!" I shouted at them. They kept saying stuff in a different language.

"Hello I'm talking to you" I said waving my hand in front of them. Still nothing. I get angry and punch the girl on the face. She falls down to the ground. Yeah I'm that strong. Thanks to younger me who decided to take karate lessons. The guy was still speaking. I go up to him and yank his hair. I make him fall down to the floor next to the girl.

"Don't mess with me" I growled at them. I walked away and made my way into the house. The guys were on the floor in pain. They started to heal. I helped them sit on the couch then I
made my way to the window. They were gone.

"What the hell was that?" I ask

"Witches" Cameron responded

"Oh great witches exist too" I say "let me guess so do werewolfs and uhh I don't know maybe shapeshifter exist too"

"Yeah werewolf and we don't know about shapeshifter yet" Aaron says

"The originals must of sent them to kill us" Cameron said

"They're not gonna stop are they?" I ask

"I'm afraid not"Cameron shrugs. I started to tear up. This is my life now. Running away from vampires and having to deal with witches.


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