Chapter 23

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Amelia's POV

"So what are we going to do about me?" Aaron's asks

"We're going to give Nate a visit" I said

"Are you sure about that?" Lucy says

"Yeah and I have a plan" I said "wait here"

I run upstairs and grab my spell book. I run back downstairs.

"Okay since Lucy is a shapeshifter she can turn into one them who ever is not currently home then while she's inside I will be casting a spell where it traps them inside" I smiles proud of my plan

"But I'll be stuck in there with them and how does that help all you're doing is trapping them" Lucy says "why don't you just talk to them"

"They won't talk trust me" I said " and you'll get out I will signal you then we throw a toxic bomb"

"Amelia can I talk to you" she asks. I nod my head. I follow her up the stairs into the restroom. She turns on the sink so they won't hear downstairs.

"I know where you went during the party Amelia" she says " if you break that deal you know bad things will happen"

"How'd you know" I asked

"Remember justice?" She asks and I nod "that was me"

My jaw drops. I felt anger and kinda good that it was her.

"You can't say shit to them" I said

"I know but I warned you about what can happen Amelia be smart" Lucy's said turning off the sink and walked away. I follow her down the stairs back to the living room.

"I think we should just talk to them" I said

"What did you do to change her mind" Aaron asked surprised "no one ever changes her mind"

"It's a secret" she winks at Aaron

"Let's go" I say. I grab my car keys and get in. Cameron gets in the passenger seat. Aaron and Lucy are on the back. I start driving to the originals mansion. I park the car and get off furiously.
I knock on their door as hard as I could. Nate opens the door.

"Woah calm down princess what's your deal" he smirks

"Like you don't know" I cross my arms

"Hmm I really don't know" he smiles with teeth this time

"Who's the shapeshifter that has my brother in all the news" I asked with anger

"Not a shapeshifter but your actual brother" he said

"Aaron said it wasn't him" I said

"Oh right I might of compelled him to bring me all those bodies then again compelled him to forget he did that" he chuckles

"You broke your dam deal" I slap him "this isn't over you fuck I will find a way to end you forever"

He moves his jaw back to place. He smiles then laughs.

"Ohhh it's cute you know" he smiles "it's cute that you think you can end me"

"This means war" I squint my eyes at him. I step back a little and put a hand up in the air. I start to say the spell from the book. Nate gets sent back to the wall the door slams shut. I start to scream the spell. Once I'm done I fall to the floor. Cameron and the rest help me up.

"Your nose it bleeding" Cameron says

"It's nothing big" I say cleaning my nose "now how can we get rid of them"

"You need a Knife that's made to kill them" Cameron says

"Dude" Aaron hits Cameron on the shoulder

"Dude what? Aaron she's right we need to kill them they're ruining our life's I don't know if you remember but they're the ones who turns us into these blood sucking monsters" Cameron snapped. I smiled I knew he would understand.

"Do we need to take a vote on this" I rolled my eyes

"No" Lucy said " because I'm on your side Amelia"

"That's my girl" I hug her

"That's enough" Aaron says "first of all what are we going to do about Amelia's mom?"

"We're going to have to do some thinking" Lucy says. I look at Cameron who's already looking at me. He smiles and mouthed 'I love you' I giggle and mouthed it back.

"Lucy and I will go look at Ida's place and make a plan while you guys figure a way to getting the knife" I say

I always stop writing for a while and I forget what I write and I'm afraid I put stuff twice 😁

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