Chapter 33

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Cameron's POV

Since I left the house I've been worried dead about Amelia. But for now that's going to have to wait. I'm currently in the house of the originals. They've snapped my neck but I'm slowly coming back.

I open my eyes to see Aaron fighting with Nate and Sammy while Lucy fights with Ari. Lucy's pretty pissed. I stand up and make my way to Sammy. I get the knife ready and attach him. He grabs my wrist and the knife falls off my hand. He speeds and pushes me against the wall. I groan as I try to escape his grip. Ari pushes Lucy to the wall. No way in hell she's a vampire witch. Lucy was stuck on the wall. Ari was making her way towards the knife.

"AARON THE KNIFE" I shout. He trys to go for the knife but Nate grabs him by the neck. We're so dead. I look at the knife in the floor and just then Amelia slide on the floor and grabs it. She stabs Ari. Ari falls down to the ground. Lucy falls off the wall. Sammy lets go of me and goes for Amelia.

"AMELIA WATCH OUT!!" I scream. Amelia turns around and before you know it Sammy has her against the wall making her drop the knife. Son of a bitch. I run to Sammy. While he's distracted by Amelia I grab the knife and stab him. His body falls down do the ground and now all we need to do is kill the strongest original. Nate.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask with anger

"Saving your damn asses" Amelia said with a smirk. She knew that she helped us a lot. I look back at Aaron who is about to die. I hold the knife tighter and make my way to Nate. With that he grabs my wrist and twists it. I scream in pain. Amelia send Nate flying to the wall. She try's to keep him there like Ari did to Lucy but Nate was to strong and escaped.

"Leaving now are you!?" I scream "what? Are you not strong enough without your minions"

"Amelia shut the hell up" Aaron whispers

"No Aaron I want all this worry and pain to end" I say " and I sure as hell am making it end this moment"

"You really think you can beat me?" Nate laughs

"Of course I can why else would you be running away from a fight" I smirk " you know I'm too powerful for you"

A smirk grew on Nates face. He disappeared and in a second he was back but with Lucy.

"Let her go you son of a bitch" I say taking the knife away from Cameron. Before I could get to Nate he sticks his hand in Lucy's chest. Lucy groans from the pain.

"You come closer to me with that knife and I kill her" he says. I look back at Aaron and Cameron who are telling me to just let it go. I drop the knife. Nate's smile grew and he took Lucy's heart out. I gasp then scream. My scream sends him flying through the walls. Cameron and Aaron look at each other. I grab the knife from the floor and run all the way where Nate landed. I get there and he's being held back the the huge metal sticking out of his stomach.

"Have fun in hell" I say as I stab him. He gasps and just in a second he's dead. I turn to look at Cameron and Aaron. They looked terrified.

"The pain is over now" I say walking away. Cameron grabs my arm. He locks eyes with me.

"Are you okay?" He asks with worry

"I have a friend to dig up" I say ignoring his question. I walk back to the room that Lucy is at. I pick her up and carry her bridal style. Even though Nate is dead he still won. A tear rolled down my face as I look at Lucy's lifeless body.


I throw one last shovel of dirt. I wipe away the sweat from my forehead. Cameron hugs me from behind.

"You were brave out there" Cameron says "and just know that we can't always save everyone in a fight"

"I could've saved her and now the fight is over" I say looking straight at where I dug up Lucy "and so is my story"


I'm not great with ending story's so 😂 I'm so sorry but I hope this was a good ending. I also just published a new book called Shut Up a Grayson fanfic!  Go check it out!!

I know that it ended on a sad note but not all story's end with a happily ever after.

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