Chapter 30

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Lucy's POV

I get back up. I pretended to faint so they would leave. I run to Amelia's body. I check for pulse.

"It's beating" I say to myself. It's beating but slowly. I look at my surrounding. Everyone was unfrozen and was whispering to each other as they pointed at Amelia's body.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE SHE HAS 50% CHANCE OF LIVING" I shout. People start to get their phones out. I place my hand on her stomach to slow down the bleeding. I grab my phone out of my pocket. I dial Cameron's number.

Phone rings 📱

"Hello the number you have dialed is not available at the moment please leave a message after the peep.......... *Peep*

Me: Cameron get your ass to the hospital Amelia is hurt badly if you hadn't left this wouldn't of happened this is all your fault you shit"

I hang up then I hear the ambulance. They park and get off fast. They carefully put Amelia's body on the stretcher.

"I'm her friend I'm going" I say. They put Amelia up in the ambulance. I get in and sit down. One of the doctors starts working on her and started asking me questions.

"You look hurt as well what happened in there" he asks. Shit.. I can't just tell him.

Oh hey vampires exist and we just had a fight with them and that's when my friends here got stabbed with the knife that is powerful enough to kill them as well

"I-I don't know" I cry " some people just started fighting us then one of them stabbed her"

"Well they didn't just stab her she has a broken leg" he says. The ambulance stops. Nurses open the doors and help the doctor with Amelia. They take her inside immediately. I run behind them. Once they take Amelia into a room a nurse stops me.

"You're going to have to wait out here I'm so sorry" she says. I nod slowly. I go back and sit down.

"She's going to make it" an old lady said

"I know" I cry "why are you here"

"I-im waiting to see my friends who is also in there she had a heart attack this morning" the old lady teared up

"Looks like we're both here for our friends" I smile at the old lady

"I know you'll be friends till death with that girl in there" she smiled

"She's the best" I say

"So is mine when we where your age we did so many crazy things" she said

"Sofia?" The nurse said before I could say something to the old lady.

"That's me" she coughed. The nurse can't look her in the eye. I could tell she's having trouble to say it.

"Annie didn't make it" she said. The old lady covered her face and started crying. I look at the nurse and she walks away. I sit next to the old lady and hug her. She hugs me back.

"Thank you" she says "I'm going to say goodbye"

She walks off. I lay back on my seat. I get my phone out to see if Cameron has answered back. Nothing. That son of a bitch is really pissing me off. Just then I hear a lot of footsteps. I look up from my phone and see a bunch of doctors running into the room where Amelia is in. I get up quickly and run to the room. I look through the window. I couldn't see her a bunch of doctors are in the way I could see that they're sweating. A doctor looks at me and walks my way. He closes the curtains. I lay my back in the wall and slide down. I hug my knees and start tearing up.

"I-is she alright" I heard Cameron's voice. I get up and push him.

"Fuck you she wouldn't of been here if you weren't such a little bitch" I say "and why didn't you answer your phone you dick"

"My phone was off" he says "and I'm so sorry but is she okay"

"I-I don't know" I say "they haven't told me anything"

"The voice mail you left me... Did you really mean it?" He ask

"Yes but no" i say

"Okay.. But I hope one day you'll forgive me and I truly sorry" he says

"You shouldn't be begging for my forgiveness and if I accept your apology" I say "you should be doing that to Amelia"

"She's the love of my life I would've never wanted something like this to happen to her" he says

"Oh my god.." I say standing up" is that a tear I see"

"Stop it" he chuckled pushing my hand away

"Awe it's cute" I giggle. The door open. I look at the doctors clothing that is bloody. I could almost feel myself falling back.

"Is she going to be okay" Cameron asks

"She has a broken leg she'll be out in a week" the doctors says "when she gets home I would recommend for you guys to help her out with the heavy stuff"

"In a week I'm sorry I can't do that I have to see her" Cameron  says

"I would prefer the both of you to go home,Amelia will be going through surgery"  the doctor said waking back in. Cameron and I go to his car.

"She'll be okay" I say

"I know" Cameron clenched his jaw " I know"

Have you ever broken a bone?

And thanks to @just_be_urself for motivating me to publish this chapter😂👌🏽

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