Chapter 11

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Amelia's POV

My heart is beating faster than before. Is this how I die? Taken down by powerful vampires? I look over at Cameron. He looked scared. I'm sorry I had to be nosey and found out your darkest secret.

"I think we lost them" Cameron said still going fast. I sigh in relive. I look out the window then I suddenly feel the car shake.

"Did you feel that?" I ask. Before Cameron could answer the front window smashes. I scream as the sharp pieces fly everywhere. One cuts my cheek. I look up to see Nate on top of the car. I look over at Cameron. He's looking at me. Cameron steps on the breaks making Nate fall off. I gasp as he rolls on the road. Cameron goes faster than before. Then there's a loud pop. Shit. The car broke down. Cameron gets out.

"CAMERON!" I shout as I get out "what are you doing"

"We're gonna have to fight back" he says opening the trunk. He tosses me a wooden stake. I grab it and take a look around for any sign of the originals. When I turn to Cameron Sammy is behind him. I panic and throw the stake at him. It lands on his chest. He falls down. Cameron looks up at me wide eyed.

"You should know that , that could've killed me" he says.

"I'm really good at aiming don't worry" I said " I use to practice the bow an arrow"

Cameron was about to say something then stopped. He came running my way. He tackled me down. I groan in pain. Cameron wasn't on top of me anymore. I have no idea where he is at. I get up groaning. The pain was too much. Cameron tackled me to harsh. I look around to see that I'm alone. Oh no had they taken Cameron. Panic runs through my blood. I get in the car and try to start it. It worked. I start driving as fast as I can. I needed to warn Aaron about them taking Cameron.

"Are you really leaving without me" Cameron voice said from the passenger seat. I scream and my hands go crazy on the steering wheel.

I close my eyes ready for the car to crash. I open them. I wasn't inside the car anymore I was outside. I look at Cameron.

"What the hell" I said slapping him on the chest "what happen why did you disappear?"

"I took care of them I snapped their necks but it won't be long until they wake up" he says" get on my back I can speed to the house"

Without hesitation I jump on his back. A giggle escaped my lips. I close my eyes and feel the wind on my face. Then in a second the wind is gone. I open my eyes to see we're inside the house.

"Are you guys okay?" Aaron said coming my way checking for any injuries

"I'm okay Aaron" I smiled " but I'm really tired so I'm gonna go ahead and sleep"

"Okay sis get a good night sleep" he kissed my forehead. I look at Cameron and smile. I turn around and walk up the stairs. I go to my rooms restroom and brush my teeth. I take off my make up. Then I get into my purple unicorn Onesies. I hop in bed and close my eyes. Finally time to rest..

do you own an Onesies?

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