Chapter 1

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Amelia's POV

The day I've been waiting for is finally here. I'm literally moving to California with my brother Aaron. Ah I'm just so excited I cant wait. I'm already at the airport I'm just waiting for my plane to arrive. All this waiting is going to make me go crazy. I look up the the huge tv to see that my plane has arrived. I jump up in excitement. I hand my plane ticket to a lady and I take a seat. My phone vibrates as soon as I get comfortable. I look at it to see Aaron trying to FaceTime me.

"Hi Aaron!" I smile big

"I see you're already on the plane" he says

"Yup and to be honest I'm kinda scared" I smile

"Well don't be everything going to be fine and by the way I got you your own apartment" he smiles back

"No way thanks Aaron" I smile even more.

"Excuse me I'm going to have to ask you to put away your phone please" one of the workers says

"Alright" I say " byee Aaron!"

As I put my phone back in my pocket I look out the window. The view is just amazing. I think I'm in love. I relax and turn on my tablet. Of course I go on Netflix and watch my favorite show supernatural.

*few hours past by*

As I felt the plane landing by whole body woke up. This is the number one thing I wanted to sleep through. The landing always scares the hell out of me. I grab my tablet and phone. I walk out inside a different airport.

"AMELIA" I heard Aaron's voice from a distance. I look around to see Aaron coming towards my way. I run up to Aaron and hug him. I missed him so much.

"Let's get your luggage" Aaron chuckles as he breaks the hug. I laugh a little. I look out for my luggage.

"Oh there it is" I say pointing at it " the the floral one"

Aaron runs up to it and grabs it. He hands it to me. Aaron and I walk out of the airport into his car. I get in the passengers seat.

"Hand over the aux cord" I say sticking my hand out

"I don't like your music noooo" he said hiding the aux cord

"I promise it's not Baby by Justin anymore my taste in music has gotten better" I chuckled as I took the aux cord away from his hand. I connect it to my phone and play Bad Chick By SoMo .

"Wow your taste in music has improved" Aaron said liking the song

"Told ya" I giggled.  I looked out the car window and wow I was left speechless. California is amazingly beautiful. I make Aaron stop the car. I get out the car and take a picture of the Palm trees with my Fujifilm. As I finish we head to his house.

"We're almost there" Aaron says "just one more turn"

I smile in excitement. Aaron drives up to his garage. He parks his car and we both get out at the same time. I jump in excitement that I'm finally in California with my brother.

"Hey I have a roommate" he says " and if I were you I'd wait a little before you go in"

"Why?" I ask confused

"Oh he likes walking around his boxers when it's really hot" Aaron says unlocking the door. It was a pretty hot day and I would love to be in my undergarments. Oh but guess what if I did that I would get"oh Amelia  you can't do that you're a girl and girls can't do that" yeah I know..

"It's safe" Aaron says opening the door wider. I look around as I walk in. It looked amazing. It's like a dream teenage house. The living room has a huge tv. I walk into the kitchen to see a bunch of good snacks and a person sitting down eating cereal.

"Hia" I say to the guy. He looks up at me and his jaw drops and also the milk dripping off his mouth. Okayyyy weird...

"Hey Aaron I'm a little thirty do you mind if I get some juice from the refrigerator?" I ask

"I'm Cameron" finally answered the guy eating cereal

"Aye sista" he pops his head into the kitchen "mi casa es tu casa"

I giggle. I open the refrigerator and pull out a gallon of red juice. Probably fruit punch. My favorite!

"HEY WAIT" shouted Cameron

" oh my gosh what" I say backing away scared

"T-that juice is expired" he says taking it away quickly

"Really?" I say "doesn't really look like it is cause it full"

"Yeahh uh look at the date" he says showing me

"Hmm you're right" I say "and it did look a bit weird"

Cameron looks into my eyes. A smile appears on his face.

"I'll go throw this away" he says with a soft smile. I nod my head and look for a different drink.

I get some orange juice. I then walk to the living room once I finish my drink.
As I walk in I see Aaron talking to Cameron. He looked a bit pissed. Was it cause I almost drank expired juice? Or buddy problems?

"If you don't tell her I will" Cameron says walking away

"Tell me what?" I ask walking in

"Sis!" Aaron says nervously

"Everything okay?" I ask getting confused

"Did you hear anything Cameron and I were taking about?" He asks not answering my question once again. I nod my head no.

"Okay good" he say sending me a bright smile. I swear my brother and his friend will always be so weird..


Was that even fruit punch? 😱

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