Chapter 26

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Amelia's POV

"Aaron I uh I meant to tell you sooner but I didn't think you'd understand" I said

"Enough"Aaron said. I noticed he was angry" we'll talk about this at home for now untie us and let's get the hell out of here"

I untie Aaron. I look at him as he gets up and starts to run. Cameron looks at me and mentions me to get on his back. I do as told. We get to the house in no time. Lucy has my car and knows we left. I told her that it might get pretty ugly at home. Aaron wasn't supposed to know..

"Why?" He asks

"Because I love him" I said

"But why my friend?huh?" He asked

"Because it's love" I cry "you can't control love"

"Yes you can!" He screams. He gets closer to me. He was about to speak but Cameron stopped him.

"You son of a bitch" Cameron chuckled with anger "you where about to compel her weren't you?"

"It's for the best" he says

"How is it for the best?" Cameron asks "just because you've never really found anyone who actually loves you"

"That's not it" Aaron screamed making me jump "I don't want her to get hurt when you leave her"

"What makes you think I'll leave her?" Cameron asks

"Because I know you" Aaron said pasting

"That was when I was younger I've changed because of her I've changed because I love her" Cameron says

"I- I don't think I can live here anymore" Aaron says " I have to get out of here"

"Aaron please don't do this you're over reacting" I say

"No no it's not that it's just that my baby sister finally found the guy she loves and she can't do anything because her brother is in the way" he smiles weakly

"Aaron you don't have to go" I say

"Yes, I've been wanting to leave but I didn't want to leave you with him" he smiled "but now I know I can trust him with your life"

"I love you" I cried hugging Aaron

"I love you too sissy I'll be leaving tomorrow" he says breaking the hug

"Wait tomorrow" I say

"Yes, I told you I've been planning this for a while but I couldn't leave you" he says

"Sooo you're not mad that I'm dating Cameron" I say

"Not really its just that I got mad because my own sister was scared to tell me that she was dating my best friend" he smiles. Actually it was Cameron not me I wanted to say but instead I said.

"I'm sorry I promise next time I'll tell you everything" I smile

"Good" he said giving me a hug.

Aaron goes upstairs and grabs his suitcase. He puts all of his clothes in there and other stuff he could need on the road or plane. I joined and helped him with his shoes and Cameron helped with bathroom stuff.

Once everything was in the suitcase Aaron looks around for the money he's been saving to leave.

"Found it" Aaron said holding up the money "well get a good night sleep so you can wake up early and say goodbye"

"Better wake me up because I'm not a morning person" I smiled.

how many brothers and sisters do you have?

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