Chapter 28

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Cameron's POV

Amelia's eyes shut close. I get angry and snap both of Nate's  and Sammy's neck. I hold Amelia in my arms and run to the car before they could wake up.

"Go go go!!" I shout at Lucy as I lay Amelia in the back and run to the passenger seat.

"What happened in there" Lucy asks

"I guess Amelia thought you shapeshifted" I say then continue "they killed some innocent girl and she thought it was you so she stabbed carter and Sammy got mad so he pushed her to the wall and she fell unconscious"

"Well at least we got one down" Lucy says focusing on the road. I look back at Amelia. She looked beautiful. Anytime now she'll wake up and be so confused.

We arrive to our house. I open the back door and grab Amelia In my arms bridal style. Lucy gets off the car and opens the house door for me.

"Thanks" I say walking in. Lucy nods. She locks the door behind her and follows me upstairs. I lay her down in her bed and kiss her forehead.

"You love her so much don't you" Lucy says smiling

"She the best girl I've ever met" I say "I want to marry her man"

" don't call me man and I will not allow you to marry her you're a vampire " she says "dating is okay but marriage.... I don't think so"

"You're right but it's her decision" I say "plus I'm not ready for marriage"

"Good and I hope it stays that way" Lucy says

"Why" I ask confused

"Because vampires can't date humans" she says

"She's a witch" I correct her

"Still" she says walking out "call me when she wakes up"

Marrying her was just a saying of how much I love her. Lucy took it way to serious. I look over at Amelia who is now waking up.

"Where's Lucy" she asks

"She went home" I say " how did you know that wasn't Lucy?"

"She didn't turn back" Amelia smiles. I smile back and get in bed with her. I hug her.

Amelia's POV

Cameron is great company. His hugs are the best.

"So what do we do now?" I ask

"We just rest for now" Cameron kisses my cheek " we'll get the both"

"I didn't see their sister" i say

"Weird I didn't either" Cameron says. I look up at the ceiling thinking what would I be doing right now if I hadn't met Cameron. I turn to face him and give him a kiss on the lips. Our lips moved sync. Cameron got on top of me. I giggled. He gave me kisses on my neck and chest.

"Guy I forg.....OHHH IM SO SORRY" Lucy screamed. Cameron jumped off me. I started laughing with my hands over my face.

"Well I'm glad you woke up but I came back to get my phone" Lucy said

"You scared the crap outta me" Cameron said with a sigh

"Why? You thought I was Aaron" Lucy giggled

"I know he's gone but yes I actually thought it was Aaron" Cameron said

"Oh guys wanna go out to eat?" Lucy asks

"Oh yes I'm starving" I say

"Wait we still need to watch out for Nate and Sammy" Cameron says

"Yeah yeah they won't bother us we're in public they can't do anything" Lucy says

"Okay! Just let me get ready" I say "both of you get out"

Once they're out I look in my closet. What's something stunning I could wear if I die today.. You never know when you can die. Plus I have two powerful vampires that want to end me so it could be today.

"Eh oh well" I say pulling out some pants and a shirt.

I walk out of my room to the restroom to do my make up

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I walk out of my room to the restroom to do my make up.

(^Just the makeup^) My hair was already done so I walk in the living room where Lucy is waiting

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(^Just the makeup^)
My hair was already done so I walk in the living room where Lucy is waiting.

"Wheres Cameron" I ask

"Wow guys take longer to get ready then girls" Lucy says

"No we don't and let's go" Cameron said taking my hand "you look gorgeous"

"Oh well thank you" I blushed. Cameron kisses my cheek and we walk out. I lock the house and get in Lucy's car.

"Where are we going to eat?" I ask

"I was thinking chipotle" she says

"I'm down" Cameron said

"Me too" I say laying my head on Cameron's shoulder.

Where is your favorite place to eat?

I like stake and shake 🍔😋

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