Chapter 31

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Cameron's POV

*a week past*

Today's the day I get to pick Amelia up from the hospital. This whole week I've been blaming myself for what happened to her. Only if I stayed to help her. She even begged me to stay that she was in trouble. I guess you can say I'm the girl in this relationship.

I park my car and get off. I rush into the hospital and there I see her sitting down reading a book.

"Amelia" I say

"Cameron hey I thought Lucy was going to pick me up" she says grabbing her crutches

"I told her not too" I smile

"It's great to see you again" she giggles " I know it's only been a week but it felt like months"

"Tell me about it" I agreed. We walk out the door to my car. I open the door for her and help her in. I jog to my side of the car. I get In and start the car.

"So how's Lucy" she asks

"I actually haven't really been talking to her" I say " I feel like she hates me for what happened to you and I don't blame her because I blame myself as well"

"Cameron don't say that it's not not your fault you just felt left out with the secret Lucy and I had so you got mad" she says "we're good now Cameron and I still love you so much"

"I love you more" I say

Amelia's POV

I honestly felt bad that Cameron blamed himself for what happened to me. It's not his fault it's mine because I wasn't strong enough to protect myself. I don't always need a guy to protect me. Cameron grabs my hand and keeps the other on the steering wheel. I look out the window so he wouldn't see that I was about to tear up. I pretend like I'm looking at the clouds so my tears can go back in. I don't want him to know that I'm in pain right now. That tear that almost escaped my eye was because I'm in pain in my stomach and I can't handle the fact that Cameron is blaming himself.

"Hey listen I have an idea to heal you leg in an instant" Cameron says

"But???" I say knowing that there's going to be a but

"But you won't like my idea" he says stopping at a red light

"I'll do anything to get my leg back to normal" I say " I barley got these crutches and I already hate them with my life"

"Okay my blood will heal you in an instant and you won't feel anymore pain" he says then bites into his wrist. I look at the blood on his wrist. I gulp. Ah fuck it this is for my leg. I grab his wrist and suck the blood that was coming out. I push his arm away in disgust. That was the most horrible taste but I could feel my leg getting better.

"It worked" I smile "but how do we get this cast off I mean you literally need a chainsaw to get this damn thing off"

"Call Lucy tell her to meet us at the buffet" Cameron says driving again "I'm hungry and you must be too plus she's the brains"


I get off the car and grab my crutches and pretend like I'm still hurt since I still have the cast on.

"Amelia oh my gosh" Lucy runs to me and hugs me

"I'm okay" I giggle "we just have a small problem"

"She survived?" I heard someone whisper as we enter the buffet "I mean she looked like she would've already been dead"

"I bet it was that friend of hers that did that to that poor thing" said another lady. People continue to talk. I stop before going in. I look at the people talking about me.

"SHUT UP!"my scream sends them flying. I gasp. I don't even know what I did. that was just my power taking over. Cameron grabs my hand and quickly pulls me into the buffet.

"What the hell just happened" Cameron said looking around to make sure no one saw that.

"I'm not hungry anymore let's go home" I say " order some food to take home we can't talk about this there"

Cameron and Lucy don't say anything they just go along.


I get off the car and look at the other one parked in our driveway. I furrowed a brow.

"Cameron did you get a new car?" I ask walking around it

"What?no" he said " dammit you check inside"

Lucy arrives and I see that the front door is slightly open. I grab an umbrella with a pointy end. I heard stuff moving. I go into the living room ready to attack but when I enter I see him.

"Aaron oh my gosh" a smile grew on my face "you scared the hell out of me"

Aaron chuckles the gives me a tight hug.

"Awe these are the only supernatural siblings I've seen that actually get along" Lucy says as she and Cameron walk in "now what about that cast"

I want a boyfriend 😂 but I'm not good at talking to guys.

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