Chapter 24

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Amelia's POV

It's finally night. The guys have been doing some research on the knife.

"Okay before you guys leave listen" Arron says then points at Cameron

"One way to kill an Original vampire is to stab them in the heart with a dagger coated in the ash of the ancient white oak tree" Cameron says "we know how to use it now but we need to find it"

"You guys do that" Lucy says grabbing my arm taking us to get car. I get in the passengers seat and buckle up. I looked at the time in the car. 3:13 am. It was that late? I wasn't even tired. I've been focusing to hard on this.

"You know what you have to do right?" She asks

"No,what do I do?" I ask

"I don't know I was asking you" she says. I sigh. I'm going to die.

We make it to the house. The fence is high up. Lucy starts to climb it. I stare as she struggles to climb. Once she's up there I push the door in the pathway. It slowly opens. I walk in and wait for Lucy to climb back down.

"What the hell why did you just stare at me instead of telling me the door was open!" She whisper/ shouts

"It was kinda funny" I giggle. She rolls her eyes and walks up to the house. We both peek through the windows.

"She's not home" Lucy says

"Are you sure? in the book mahogany gave me it showed an invisibility spell" I say

"Okay let's walk in there and if she's there use that spell to save us from getting killed" she says. I nod. I don't like this. Not one bit. We walk inside the house as quiet as possible. I look around then the drop of a glass cup scares me. I turn around to look at Lucy. Under her are broken pieces.

"Lucy" I whisper/shouts

"I don't think she's here" she says without whispering. I look around at all the stuff she had. Basically candles was all she had and a bunch of papers all over the place.

"Ohhh furry are you home?" Called my witch mom

"Hide" Lucy says. I look around for a hiding spot.

"Over here" I said pointing. We get under a table with a cover over it. We watch her feet move.
At the wrong moment my phone rings. I look at the caller. Aaron. Fuck Aaron wrong time.

"I can hear you" she giggles. I start whispering a the spell for the invisibly. She throws the table and she stands there laughing. Can she see us??

"Ohhh furry I think I'm going nuts with all this quiet" she sits down on her couch. The cat meows back. She can't see us. Holy shit this is cool.

"Do you hear... Breathing furry" she asks her cat

"I'm allergic to cats get me out of here before I sneeze" Lucy whispers. I nod. I couldn't hold the spell much longer. We run out of the house. The cold air hits our face. We keep running until we make it far away from the house. It looked haunted.

"We got nothing important ugh" Lucy groans

"I did" I smile holding up a paper "this seems to be a plan with the originals"

"Shit she's working with them?" She says "we have to take this to the guys fast"


" why wouldn't you answer your phone??" Aaron asked worried

"We almost got killed because of your call" I said

"Sorry but I was calling to warn you tha-" Aaron gets cut off

"That she's working with the originals?" Lucy finishes for him. Aaron nods.

"Where's Cameron" I ask

"He's out looking for the knife" he says "don't worry he's keeping me updated and if he doesn't answer anymore then something went wrong"

"How long has it been since he texted you" I ask

"About an hour" he says

"Wow you stupid" I say "HES ALREADY IN TROUBLE"

I lost it. I couldn't imagine my life without him. I don't know how I survived back then without him.

"What's the last thing he texted you?" I ask

"Amelia it's late he'll probably come back when we're sleeping" he smiles

"Wait a second" Lucy says getting closer "Amelia's bring that silver fork"

"Why" I ask confused

"I need to see something" she says. I grab the fork and bring it to her. She backs up quick.

"Don't let me touch it" she says "touch Aaron with it"

I get closer to Aaron. He backs slowly.

"Ha Amelia what are you doing sissy" he asks nervously. That's when I noticed it isn't Aaron. I stab him in the arm and it start to burn. He's changing back to his true form. He looks at us and then runs out of the house.

"How did you know he was a shapeshifter" I ask

"He didn't have those dreamy eyes I love" she blushes


I hope everyone is enjoying this so far 😄

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