Chapter 27

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Amelia's POV

My alarm goes off. I get up and stop it from dinging. I start walking fast down stairs and I see Cameron and Aaron talking. I peeked.

"Take good care of her" Aaron said

"I will" Cameron replied

"If anything happens to her you call me and I'll be here in a heartbeat" Aaron said. Cameron didn't say anything which I'm guessing he nodded. I walk in the living room and go straight to Aaron hugging him.

"Ohhhh I hope you find the love of your life out there" I say tightening the hug

"Wait!" A voice shouted and the front door swung open. I jumped.

"Aaron are you seriously leavening?" Lucy asked panting

"Yeah" Aaron smiled

"I want to do something before you leave" she said then ran up to Aaron and kissed him. My jaw dropped so did Cameron's.

"Wow that was uh" Aaron couldn't find the words to say

"Enjoy your plane" Lucy smiled. Aaron nodded smiling. We group hugged then Aaron walked out the door.

"I'll text you Lucy" Aaron said getting in his car. Lucy put up two thumbs up and nodded smiling.
Cameron checked if Aaron was now long gone.

"Okay remember that stone Nate wanted" Cameron said. I gulped. "Well he found someone to get it for him and now his sister is back to life and so is the other vampires"

"Who would trust Nate?" Lucy asked looking at me with anger then looked back at Cameron.

" I don't know but at least we got rid of their witch now we need to get rid of them" Cameron said

"We're fucked" I say "how are we supposed to get rid of literally a thousand vampires?"

"We kill the on the brought them to life and the rest die with him" Lucy says

"Let's get working" Cameron said putting his arm around me. I look up at him and smile. We go to a closet where the guys kept all their weapons.

"Guess what I got" Cameron said hiding something behind him

" I don't know but I hope it's good and I'm hungry as fuck" Lucy said still looking for a wooden stake.

"I've got the thing that kills an original" Cameron says showing up. I grab the knife from him and admire it. This is what is going to change my life back to how it was. Kinda.

"No way how'd you get it" I said

"I did some research and found a map of where some of these knifes are at" Cameron explains

"So there's more than just one?" I ask

"Yup there are three of them" Lucy says " Ida had one of them"

"Ugh don't even mention her name" I sigh

"Noted" Lucy chuckles

"Grab what you need today we go killing some originals" Cameron said. I grab a bow an arrow. With wooden arrows of course. Cameron kisses me then gives me a tight hug.

"Mm goals" Lucy says taking a bite of a pizza

"Where'd you get that from" I ask confused

"I have a pocket specially designed for a pizza" she winked

"Okayyy" I say weirded out. I get in my car. Cameron sits in the passenger seat. I look at him and smile.

We've arrived to their house. We park far away from their house. My heart beats fast. What if something goes wrong and Cameron gets killed or Lucy. I don't want that to happen..
We run to their house with the weapons hidden. Lucy knocks on their door. Cameron and I go surrounding the house. We look for a window.

"Hi um I got lost while running do you mind telling me where I am" I heard Lucy's voice in a distance

"Yeah your at my house now leave" I heard nates voice. Rude.

"Actually can I come in for some water?" She asked politely

"Yeah sure come on in" he said with a sigh. Wow Lucy's good. Cameron and I continued to look for an entrance.

"Over here" Cameron whispered. I follow him. There was a back door and it was unlocked. Wow easy. Cameron holds my hand. He opens the door slowly. Once we got in we could hear Lucy chattering with Sammy and carter. We tip toe to a room. The we continue to look for Nate. He's in the kitchen. Cameron and I sneak behind him. I grab the knife from Cameron's hand and go for it. Nate turns around and grabs my hand.

"I have ears" he said taking a bite of something "I heard you guys whispering" he laughs "just if you didn't know I'm a vampire"
His smile fades away when he sees what's in my hand.

I yank my hand away before he could take it away. I grab Cameron's hand and give the knife back to him. Cameron grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him.

"Where did you get that" Nate asks

"Somewhere" I respond

"Guys we have visitors" his smile grew again. I heard Lucy scream. They came with her to the kitchen.

"Get your hands off her!" I yell

"Give me that knife and she's free to go" Nate says

"Never!" Lucy shouts. Sammy put a knife on her neck.

"Think again" Sammy smiled. I grab the knife from Cameron. He looks at me unsure. I stretch my hand out. Carter goes to take the knife but I stab him in the chest. Carter falls to the grown with his skin turning gray and veins popping out. Sammy screams and cuts Lucy's neck. I scream as well. Lucy falls to the ground next to carter.

"I will end you all!" I scream. I kneel down and pick Lucy's body. Why isn't she turning back to who she really is. This isn't Lucy..
I look at the knife still in my hand. I get up and try to stab Sammy. He grabs my hand and sends me flying to the wall. I groan. Cameron screams and try's to fight back. I fall to the ground dizzy. I hit my head pretty hard. My vision got blurry. Next thing you know I faint..

I'm bored lol I just wanna go on a road trip and maybe sky dive or do something crazy so I won't be bored😂😭

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